SugerDaddy Styles

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"How 'bout this one?" He asked, holding up a strapless little black dress to show you.
"Harry," You mumbled. "I already have a pile of over 15 things that you insist on buying for me. I don't need you to spend any more money on me." Harry ignored you, pushing the dress into your arms as he ushered you off to the isolated dressing room to try it on for him. Normally he would have snuck into the room with you but with the nosy employee standing adjacent from him, seeming to observe his every move, he decided against it in fear of causing an unnecessary scene
You shrugged off your leggings and over sized shirt that you had stolen from Harry before you left home because you didn't really even feel like shopping but Harry demanded that he took you and it was impossible to deny Harry of anything. You were in awe when you had finally managed to get the dress on. It was absolutely gorgeous on you; it displayed your curves perfectly, showed some cleavage but not too much that it would make Harry force you to change before going out, claiming that 'that was for his eyes only and he didn't want any other man to see you that way', and the dark color of it seemed to brighten your hair. It was perfect...until you noticed the price tag that was hanging off the side and your eyes bulged at the number marked on it. No matter how much you liked the dress, you would never allow Harry to spend that much money on you since the dress cost more than the amount of the other clothes that he picked out for you combined. Sure, if it was cheaper, you wouldn't have second guessed it but this, this was way too much and you didn't want to become a burden to Harry and break his bank account.
"Babe," His voice interrupted your thought process and caused you to jump. "You got it on yet?"
"Umm, not yet." You needed more time to come up with an excuse why you shouldn't get it because if Harry saw it and knew just how much you loved it, because there was no doubt in your mind that he'd love as much, if not more, than you already do, he'd buy it without any hesitation.
"Well, if that one's too big I can get you a smaller size. Just show me that one first so I can see how beautiful you look." His voice was calm as he waited for you to open the door for him, completely unaware to the internal battle you were having.
"No, no. It fits, Harry, I just don't think I like the way it looks on me. I mean, it's a bit revealing." You prayed that he couldn't spot your lie but, since he can read you like an open book, he caught your lie and he reached forward, attempting to open the door but the only thing he did was rattle the lock.
"Just let me see it, please?" You tugged the top of the dress down to reveal more cleavage than it actually showed and pulled the bottom of the dress up a bit so that you weren't fully lying to him before you opened the door. His jaw practically dropped as he entered the small dressing room, instantly backing you into the corner as he closed and locked the door once again.
"Now, I think that if we pull the top up a bit and the bottom down," He pulled them to where they were supposed to be, seeing right through your lie like you had somewhat expected him to despite the fact that you prayed that he wouldn't. "It'll be perfect." Harry took a step back, admiring how you looked, his eyes unashamedly scanning your body over and over again.
"Would you like to explain why you'd lie to me?" You hung your head low, slightly humiliated that he caught your lie and was probably going to buy the dress now. "Answer me, baby." He took a step closer to you, his fingers lifting your chin up to look at him and you felt your resolve break as soon as his eyes met yours.
"It's expansive." You muttered, feeling Harry's hand sneak down to rest on your thigh.
"So? You know Daddy always takes care of you kitten." He leaned forward to whisper in your ear, his raspy voice sending shivers through your body. "Only the best for my little kitten. Now get your cute little butt out of that dress and we'll go pay for it and then we're going straight home since you lied to me. Daddy's gotta teach you a lesson now." His hand snaked around from your inner thigh and around to your butt. You felt him unexpectedly pinch your ass which caused you to let out a small shriek and you placed your hands on his chest to steady yourself.
He left the dressing room with a smirk on his face and you locked to door behind him before you shimmied out of the dress. You were definitely going to be in for a long night after that little accident...

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