1. Nine Lives

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Welcome to Three Sides! I hope you enjoy this first chapter and my OC Nine Lives! As I wrote this and future chapters I listened to a playlist I made. If you're interested here is the link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4eHpVdUbxmbkevyv5vQrw1?si=QrEY-pcwT26ytOI8dT-Czw


Her tail squished playfully behind her as she watched the two men disappear behind an alleyway. They had followed a woman, her jacket drawn tight against her body.

"Awfully warm for a jacket isn't it?" She murmurs to herself.

Once the three were out of sight, vigilante Nine Lives waited for a few moments. This was the lead she was looking for. Whatever that woman had on her would be the key to bringing down Hades. Okay well maybe not the key but it would put her a step closer to taking Hades down. Her body was tense, high on alert for any signs of a skirmish. This area wasn't superpopulated nor was it highly patrolled by heroes. All of it worked in Nine Lives favor, her existence wasn't legal and who knows what the heroes would do with whatever they found on the woman.

Shouting from the alley had her on her feet and leaping down from the roof.

At the same time, she heard an explosion and something-no someone-was flying into the alleyway past her. Nine Lives jumped out of view, hiding behind a dumpster. She peered around it, swearing under her breath.

What the fuck was a hero doing here?

Her mind raced as she tried to remember the hero. Blond, muscular, an explosion Quirk, grenade-like gauntlets-fuck. Imagines from the UA sports festival flashed in her head. Nine Lives knew exactly who this was, and she was certain he wasn't alone. The male wasn't even a full hero yet, just an intern. Which meant a real hero would be here soon, snatching away her lead. Wait. 

How did they know about this? This was supposed to be way underground. Don't tell me this was just some dumb luck on his part?

"Get ready to die scum," the hero growled. 

Those words snapped her out of her thoughts. Nine Lives sprang to action, leaping over the hero. As she moved, she made sure to brush her hand over his outstretched arm. She landed perfectly in between the trio and the lone hero. She would have to be quick, or else whoever he was with would join him, and then she'd be screwed. 

"Die? That's kind of extreme for a hero don't you think?" She sent him a playful look, "But if you don't mind I'll be taking this off your hands." She turns her back, reaching to grab the package the woman was holding. 

"Like hell you are! I was here first!" She was sure he was moving towards her, fully intending on subduing the criminals, but instead, she heard a loud bang and even louder cursing. "What the fuck?"

"My, such harsh language," she purrs. The vigilante takes the package, securing it to her belt. She turns to look down at the hero, yellow eyes smug. "Now I suppose I can let you take the men but I'm afraid the lady comes with me."

She didn't give a shit about some lowlife buyers, it was the people who supplied and what they were supplying Nine Lives cared for. She grabs ahold of the woman, glaring at her in a silent dare to try and runoff. She shrank under Nine Lives stare, very typical of someone who didn't understand what they had signed up for in the first place. 

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