3. Downpour

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Shina hummed tunelessly as she waited outside of Father's compound. She was to greet visitors. Original members of the League of Villians if she recalled correctly. She didn't remember. Truthfully, she didn't care that much. Father asked this of her and she was happy to oblige. Soft purple eyes fell on a passerby, he was walking on the other side of the street. She raised her phone to her ear, her attention focusing on a streetlight in the opposite direction of the passerby. It would look like someone was speaking with her on the other end.

She could sense their blood rushing in their fragile body. If she poked hard enough the blood would freeze solid. They would fall over and their body would break into bloody chunks. Her gaze lifts to study the sky. Not a cloud in sight. Pity. Shina preferred to use her quirk when it was raining. That made the blood wash away easier.

"Excuse me? I believe you're the one we are supposed to meet," a scratchy voice called out to her.

Shina lowered her phone, turning to look at the source of the voice. Two figures, one in a hood and another in a beanie, stood before her. She realized the voice belonged to the one in the hood, pale blue hair peaking out. His head raised a little and the girl immediately recognized the red eyes as Shigaraki: the leader of the League of Villians. After closer inspection she dubbed the other figure to be Dabi. She had vaguely recalled a burned man going by the same name working with the League. 

"I am," she responds. If the two men hadn't been listening they wouldn't have heard her. She spoke so softly the wind wouldn't have much trouble stealing her words. She turns so she was facing the building. "Follow me, Father is expecting you."

She doesn't bother checking to see if the two were following her, they would be or else why come in the first place, as she pushes past the twin doors. Shina nods at a few guards before taking the two to the elevator. She steps in, pulling out a key to unlock a small compartment. She hits the button hidden inside of it and closes the compartment, the lock clicking shut.

"Key? Why not upgrade to get a keycard? It's easier," Shigaraki questions.

"I don't know," Shina responds. "But I assume your next question is regarding who all has access to the Base Floor. Myself, Father, and a handful of others."



When it was evident that Shina wasn't going to elaborate, Shigaraki fell silent. The others she'd been speaking off were given the day off so that way their guests wouldn't learn of their identities and try to get a key of their own. As Shina watched the numbers go lower and lower she felt a pair of eyes boring into her. Dabi. Strange-but Shina assumed he was watching in case she attacked his leader. But she also sensed a bit of curiosity behind his gaze, for what she was unsure.

The elevator dinging pulled Shina from her thoughts. She moved to step out only to feel a rush of heat behind her. At the last second, Shina dodged out of the way. She turned, her gaze immediately landing on Dabi. Shigaraki was standing outside of the elevator, safely out of the way.

"What's with that blank expression? At least look afraid," Dabi called out to her. His hand raised and blue flames shot towards her.

Shina kept the fear from showing in her eyes as she dodged once again. She didn't want to use her quirk on Father's guests. So she would dodge until he stepped in. Surely he would. "Why would I look what I don't feel?"

Dabi rolls his eyes, walking slowly towards her. Shina backs away only to be met with a wall. Sweat pooled in her black gloves. Her legs began to shake and Dabi noticed. "So you are afraid. Why lie?"

More flames shot at her, this time burning her leg. She winces, knowing better than to cry out. Shina somehow manages to push herself away from the wall, scrambling away from another attack. She can hear laughter, Shigaraki more than likely. Even his laugh was scratchy. 

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