5. Black Bird

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The moment she was told of the plan, Black Bird had been very vocal about her opposition. It was a terrible idea, a desperate attempt to gain as many resources as they could. Right now, Persephone was that resource. They wanted to use the girl for as much intel she could give them, promising reform and legal forgiveness in return. She was school age, a third-year at least, so Persephone would be under many watchful eyes. And even better: the girl was once again an orphan. Her adoptive parents had died in some accident, leaving her with no attachments to keep her from saying no-as if she had a choice to begin with. She'd be placed in class 1-A and in a matter of weeks she would have her provisional hero license, she had a lot of classes to make-up for so her days would be packed with school work and case-work. They would give her no time to do any illegal activities. What little free time she had she would be stuck on school grounds. 

If it had been a random kid off the street Black Bird wouldn't have cared. She would have probably applauded the school for their kindness, their generosity. But Persephone wasn't some random kid. She was a big part of Black Bird's past, and the hero knew trouble was coming. She didn't miss the way Hawks' gaze studied her features and then Persephones'. He wouldn't find any similarities, they weren't blood. Just kids that a very evil man decided he wanted to raise to be weapons. 

They finished the meeting, Nezu and Eraserhead leading Persephone out of the room. Then Endeavor and his intern, leaving Hawks and Black Bird alone once again with the chief. The hero crossed her arms as she studied the other two. 

"How long was this going to be the plan?" She looks at Hawks, "Next time we have to interrogate someone you better tell me everything you know about the person we're interrogating so I don't look like an unprepared idiot." Her voice was low, threatening. Her wings were spread a little, showing her obvious irritation. 

Hawks rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry about that Black Bird, I just like to cover all of my bases. I had assumed you would have done the same." His golden eyes cut knowingly into her. It was as though he was reminding her that she had been silent for the majority of the interrogation anyway. She knew he was going to question her about it, for now, he was thankful he wasn't going to say anything in front of the chief. 

"As for the plan only myself, Eraserhead, and Principle Nezu knew of it," the chief interjected. "Nezu had been wanting to try something along these lines for a while and had me lookout for a candidate." She tilts her head, "Though he had wanted someone younger so they could join other first years in the spring but the opportunity was too good to pass up."

"Why do we need her for information?" Black Bird questions, "I have sources and they've been good enough for you guys so far."

The chief sighs, "Sometimes the information is good, but lately it's been less and less accurate." 

Black Bird freezes, "What?"

"It happens," the chief says, "Informants are discovered and if they aren't killed they're given incorrect or incomplete information."

The hero nods, forcing herself to stay calm and ignoring Hawks'...well hawklike stare. "Right, of course. I'll look into that once we get done here."

That can't be right. It's been years and Father never changed anything. Shipment dates, meetings, and other sorts of activities. He operated on a seemingly randomized schedule but Black Bird had memorized patterns the police still hadn't been able to pick up. The only explanation is that Father had finally caught onto what she had been doing and changed up the dates.  

The chief nods, "Good." Her gaze falls on the board, "Nine Lives could have information that we haven't discovered yet. I'm sure she'll be a valuable asset."

"And if she isn't I'm sure the commission would love to have someone with her set of skills," Hawks says. "They're always looking for shiny new weapons." 

He was smiling as he said it, tone joking but somehow Black Bird didn't think he wasn't at least a little serious. It was something about the look in his eyes, it was almost bitter but covered by a playful light. It was her turn to study him, but when she didn't catch anything else her attention turns back to the board. 

"Is that all then chief? I'd like to get a headstart on investigating my sources before I fall too far behind," she says. 

"Yes, you're both free to go. Further meetings will be held here as well," she says.

Black Bird nods once before leaving the office, she makes her way to the elevator. The doors open with a ding and she steps inside. As they begin to close, red feathers shoot towards them, blocking them from closing. 

"Oof! Close one!" Hawks smiles as he steps in. The doors come to a shut and the elevator beings to ascend towards the roof, leaving Black Bird at his mercy. She could sense his curiosity, feel the way his fingers tapped the outside of his leg. 

"Is there something you need to ask me Hawks?" Her voice was carefully flat, face blank. Half-truths. Easy. 

"She called you her sister," he says. "I find that odd. Your records didn't mention any sisters. They didn't mention any siblings at all."

"My parents didn't have any other kids," she says. "It was just me so that's why siblings weren't mentioned. I don't have any." She looks at him from the corner of her eye, "Do you always read up on your partners?"

"What kind of partner would I be if I didn't know anything about you?" He tilts his head back, "But I admit I did find something strange in your files. Stranger than Nine Lives'."

Her gaze was fixed on the numbers steadily changing above her. She was almost willing them to go faster, "And what was that?" She already knew what he was going to say. 

"You didn't go to UA," he says. 


Her surprise must have been clear because Hawks laughed, "That's kind of strange. Most heroes I know went there."

She didn't relax, she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Black Bird wasn't a fool, Hawks must be waiting for something. Maybe he was waiting to dig up more information before questioning her about the eleven years missing from her files. It was only a matter of time.

"My parents preferred Shiketsu," she says. "It was closer to home and they don't like how flashy UA can be."

The elevator finally dings and Black Bird holds back a sigh of relief. Not just because she would finally be out from under Hawks' intense gaze, but she couldn't stand enclosed spaces. It certainly didn't help that she wasn't the only winged hero taking up the small space. 

The two step out, red and black wings flaring into the open space. Hawks pushes off the ground, smiling down at Black Bird, "I'll see you later partner, I have a few things to check up on myself. I'll be in contact with you soon and we can go from there." He waves at her once before flying off. 

Her shoulders relax, this was going to be harder than she thought. Hawks had an intense way of watching someone that made you squirm. Once that look fell on you you felt compelled to tell the truth behind every lie you had ever told, no matter how small. Still, Black Bird was a master in the art of lying and she would take as many secrets to her grave as she could. 

No matter what. 


This brings an end to chapter five! When I post these chapters I always try to write a chapter to stay ahead (I actually have nine chapters written in total!) but I'm a tad behind. I didn't write a replacement chapter for last week so I'll have to do one for last week and this week just to keep ahead. Oh well. 

As always I hope you enjoyed today's chapter and I'll see you next week where we return to the villain known as Downpour!

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