2. Black Bird

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The young hero paced the hallway outside of the chief's office. 

She was being given a partner and she hated it. It was pointless. She was more than capable of handling criminals on her own. She was fast and strong, anyone else would slow her down. Plus, gaining a partner would mean moments where the other would want to get to know her. She hated talking about herself. While the Crow hero was able to dodge most questions of her relatively public adolescence there was a great big blank space before all of that. No one had been able to find anything about her childhood and that's how it would stay. She didn't even think too much about it. No. Her past was something she would forget.

"Black Bird? Miss? The chief is ready for you," a timid voice calls.

Sharp red eyes shifted so they bore into the officer. She rolled her eyes as she pushed past the man, "Back straight, you're supposed to be a protector too."

The officer shuffled to adjust his stance as Black Bird closed the door behind her. Her eyes immediately were drawn to a pair of bright red wings, her own black wings twitching. Somehow, her mood dropped even lower. "What is this?" Her expression remained blank as she shifted her gaze to the chief.

The chief opened her mouth to respond but was quickly interrupted, "Ah come on don't be like that Black Bird. We're supposed to be partners," a smooth voice calls.

The hero clicks her tongue in annoyance, "I was asking the chief, Hawks, are you the chief?"

The cocky bastard only held his hands up in surrender before waving for the chief to speak.

The woman clears her throat, "Right." She gestures towards a board on the wall, its surface littered with photos and various documents. "As you know we have been conducting a lowkey investigation on the group known as Hades. Right now the most we know is that they have dipped their toes in everything ranging from drugs to human experimentation." She taps on a blurry photo of a shadowy figure. "They are led by a man most commonly referred to by his followers as Father...."

Black Bird couldn't help but zone out as the chief spoke, her mind drifting off to old and buried memories. First-hand knowledge of the man known as Father. How kind he could be but how he was crueler. The horrors he was capable of with that horrible quirk of his. She couldn't help but shiver as she recalled the way his eyes would cut into her like a knife but the way his hugs were always so warm. He exposed her to the harsh cold and would bring her into the warmth only to throw her back out again to eagerly wait for more kindness. Then her sister's faces appeared in her mind, cutting her just as deeply. She had made herself forget about them too, especially Shina. Soft and gentle big sister Shina. Shina who had been-

"Hellooooo Black Bird? You didn't fall asleep standing, did you? I hope not, your eyes are still open. That would be kinda creepy," a voice calls to her, centering her.

Crimson eyes snapped up to meet golden ones and then moved to meet the chief who was looking at her worriedly. Black Bird shook her head, face settling into a thoughtful expression. She made a point to ignore the curious look Hawks was giving her. "I apologize, I was just trying to compare this information with what I've received from my sources."

An easy lie, she didn't need a source when she lived it.

The chief nodded before moving to walk towards the door, she motioned for the two heroes to follow her. "As I was saying, we've taken someone into custody who we've found has shown an abnormal interest in Hades. Unfortunately, she's won't talk to any of us."

Hawks silence was beginning to annoy her. "I'm assuming she's a criminal so why don't we offer her some deal?" Black Bird questions as she watches the chief who has paused at the door.

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