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When McGonagal called "Grant, Olivia!" For entire Hogwarts listen, I momentarily paused my thoughts and looks on food to direct them to the owner of the pronounced name. She was the last to be called for the selection, and I suspect it was because her age.
The noise of her black boots was the only thing that could be heard in the hall. All the male wing of that school could not divert his eyes from the brunette who paraded with confidence over the small stage. The hat was put on her brunete hair . It was very much like my selection; The selector barely touched my head and my house was already determined. But in the case of Olivia, what was said was ... - GRYFFINDOR! And the table opposed to mine exploded in applause and screams. I confess that a pang of disappointment hit me, and I could observe that all the owners of the eyes of the Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff that followed Grant's roll felt the same.
Dumbledore spoke his usual words and dinner was finally served.

"Who is that hottie that went to Gryffindor?" Zabini swallowed a forkt of potatoes, and smiled maliciously. "She shouldn't be in the first year, but even if she were..."

"You're sick, Blasio" Pansy muttered, bored.

"She must be a part veela , it's not possible," someone said, whose voice i didn't recognized.

"Of course not, you idiot, she's brunette," said another, laughing.

"What do you think, Draco?" they asked, surely because I'm too quiet.

"Well, certainly she's a mudblood that doesn't deserve our time" I disdained, crossing my cutlery to wait for dessert.

Everyone was silent. Pansy looked almost happy with my words, and touched my knee slightly with her hand under the table.

"I'm not talking about marrying her, Malfoy" Blasio spoke carefully.

"I know, even because your parents would desert you," I laughed, trying to relax, and they imitated me.

I crossed the looks with Olivia through the hair of two first Ravenclaws. She laughed and slightly passed her finger down her own cheek, pointing at me and then looking away. I imitated the gesture and felt the sticky lipstick still there.

"Damn."I muttered under my breath, and the doors to the Great Hall opened. There was Potter, blood dry nose .
I smiled, but I didn't even have time to savor my victory, because Parkinson started one of her jealous rampage.

"Draco, what is this?" she ran her nail through the red spot on my skin. "Is that lipstick?" she shrieked, almost hysterical.

"It doesn't interest you. And don't touch me."

"It's the same color as the lipstick on that new Gryffindor" she whimpered, attracting Zabini's attention.

"What?" His surprised expression became a smile full of malice when checking the mark. - Ah, Malfoy got the girl...

I threw by look an Avada at him, and he chuckled, focusing on the Devil's Cake in front of him.
I looked again for Olivia and saw that she was talking animatedly with Potter and Weasley. Argh.
She noticed that I was staring at her, and just waved her wand at me. I looked around, not understanding and saw that the chocolate sauce over the ice cream on my plate formed the following words:

Did you miss something at the Gryffindor table, Malfoy?

Olivia laughed at my face next to the new friends. Granger turned to try to understand what the girl was laughing at and I raised my eyebrows at her.
His reaction was limited to a scowl.
I was still going to get mad at this new girl.

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