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  It was unbearably hot that morning.  I woke up very early, still used to the time zone of Rio de Janeiro.  Luckily, professor  McGonagall was already on his feet, drinking his coffee quietly, when I entered the Great Hall.

"Good morning, teacher." I greeted, with a smile.

  "Good morning, Miss.  Grant." she returned the greeting, wiping her mouth with her napkin.  She looked at my hair close to m face, already wet with sweat. "Very hot today, isn't it?"

"Yeah ... And that's kind of what I would like to talk to you about." I went ahead, sliding down the huge bench of the Gryffindor table until I was closer to her.    "You know, in Castelobruxo it was very hot all year, so we were allowed to swim in the river in the morning before classes."

"Ah, I already knew about this custom" she took a sip of pumpkin juice "and I spoke to Prof.  Dumbledore.  The lady is authorized to swim in the lake, in the area defined by the director.  You'll see what it is.  Actually all students can do it, but they are not in the habit ... Unfortunately.  It would be healthy for them from time to time."

  "Thank you teacher!" I got more excited already.  "Another thing: where can I get my schedules for this year?  I assume that my O.W.L.s results have already been sent here."

"Yes, yes."  she took a sheet of paper and tapped it with her wand.  "Here they are.  Your results were really impressive, Miss.  Grant.  Congratulations."

  "Thanks!  I'll leave you to have your coffee quietly." I said goodbye, and she waved.

I was filling a glass with cold, pure milk when Draco Malfoy entered the Hall.
He sat at the Slytherin table and put toast and scrambled eggs on the plate.  He filled the steaming coffee cup and took a deep breath.  His expression was not very happy.  A chuckle left my lips and he looked at me seriously.

"What is so funny?"

"Someone isn't having a good morning, is he, Malfoy?"

"Someone's been getting too much into other people's lives, isn't it, Grant?"

I smiled kindly and took a sip of my milk.

  "By the way, I slept very well today and I'm loving Hogwarts, thanks for asking."

"By Merlin, you are unbearable," he mumbled.

"Good classes for you too, Malfoy," I said, getting up and going to my dorm.


"Oh, I'm going to KILL the cow that woke me up so early!"  Yelled Ginny when, with a crash, I dropped my broom on the floor, which had been resting on the trunk.  "It's six fifteen and classes start at eight!"

"You can try, but my Shield Charm is pretty strong," I said, buttoning my uniform shirt over the black bikini.  "Good morning, Gina."

"Oh, it's you, Liv ... I'm sorry.” she blushed, covering her head with the soft comforter.

  "Don't worry, you were a lady now compared to what I normally am in the morning." I laughed, leaving the dorm.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were talking secretly on one of the sofas, and I waved at them.  Everyone smiled and greeted me back.

Before long I was out in the open, with the sun warming my body even more.
My cloak was already on the floor, as were my socks and shoes.  Everything was folded in an organized pile, and it was the shadow cast on it that alerted me to someone approaching.

"What do you think you're doing?"

A dark-haired girl had her hands on her hips and was looking at me with a threatening expression.  His tie was green.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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