Chapter 8: SHIELD HQ

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James left to the science department while I made my way down to the garage with Adam. Once there I was stopped by a man. He said, "Who are you, and get in here." I held up my badge, "I was just asked to join several minutes ago. If you don't believe me them you can go ask Director Coulson." he smiled then looked at Adam, "who's he?" I stepped in front of Adam, "he is none of your concern, but if you really must know he is a super villain here to take down SHIELD." The man before me looked confused.

I then continued, "this is Adam. He's the first in a long line of more to come."

The man said, "for what?"

"Reform. The device is just a security measure. It'll kill him if he steps out of line Agent?"

"Agent Lance Hunter, Mrs.?"

I smiled, "it's just Ms. and my name is Lily walker," I looked at the others in the room, "may I ask what is wrong?" He motioned us to walk inside, "a friend of ours was killed in action on our last assignment. We're all trying to recover from injuries too."

"Perhaps I can help," said Adam.

Hunter looked at him, "no offence, but I don't think the others would want help from you."

"Then help me convince them. I'm a walking periodic table. let one of your scientists use my gifts. Maybe at the same time he, or she, could find me a cure." hunter looked down then to the others before saying, "fine. Come on. Simmons is in the lab with Fitz. Maybe there's something they can use you for."

"Mind if I stay?" He shook his head then left with Adam.


I walked over to the brunette curled in the corner. i said, "hello," as I sat down next to her. She looked at me, "looks like I'm no longer the new girl." I smiled, "then it looks like your my commanding officer."

She smiled at me, "I saw you met hunter." I nodded my head, "I did. Why?" She stood up, "he's a bit of a play boy. FYI stay away from him."

I stood up, "the one with the sticks. Are they," she nodded her head then I continued, "well I'm no threat. Someone else has already stolen my heart." she smiled, "and who might that be?" We started walking toward the door to leave the room, "His name is Steve. Perhaps, I can take you to meet him. He lives in manhattan." She nodded her head again as we left the room, "is like that. I'm just waiting for Simmons to give me the all clear."


We walked into a small science section of the base. In one corner of the room my brother was arguing with who I later found out were Fitz and Simmons, and in the other was Adam, Hunter and the girl with the sticks. Skye walked over to them and I followed.

"What happened?" Asked Skye.

The girl with the sticks looked at me, "fitz and Simmons were taking DNA samples when Dr. Walker walked in, and got mad over the whole thing."

I said, "he's been like that since his family died."

She looked at me, "but aren't you his sister?" I looked at James then at her, "in one way or another, I guess I am." they all looked at me. Hunter said, "I don't understand."

"I am lily walker 2.0 to make this short. His parent had taken him and the original lily on a vacation. He was going through a light when a drunk driver didn't stop in time and t-boned the side of the car. As a result it flipped. My creator and James suffered from minor scrapes and a few broken bones. James's mom was killed on impact."

Adam said, "what happened to the other you?" I said, "I was tangled in the wreckage. I was taken from the car and brought to the hospital. Days later lungs gave out." Skye looked at me, "you say it as if it happened to you." I nodded my head, "I know. My creator gave me her memories. All the laughter. Everything. I even got the scars from the surgery that took place to try and get the glass and metal shards out of her body." they all went quiet. I then turned to James and the other two and picked them up and brought them over here. Everyone freaked about. When the three started to argue again I yelled out, "THATS ENOUGH! All of you!" The quieted down then I continued, "what the hell guys. Were on the same team. You can't be serious." Fitz said, "we, we were taking blood samples and running other tests," Simmons cut in and continued, "when he came in and started yelling at us." I looked at the two and said, "I'm sorry. I thought he could help you in whatever. I didn't realize he would have a problem," I looked at Skye, "Skye, I'm going back to manhattan. Care to join me?" She nodded her head then we walked to the door. I turned to my brother and said, "maybe you could stop your yelling and bring me the DNA recalibration machine in walker labs. I need an upgrade." I left before he could answer.


"You said Steve? You didn't tell me it was the Steve," she looked at me, "how did you two meet?"

"I won a scholarship from Mr. Stark. First night here he took me and the avengers to some business party. Steve came to apologize for not being a proper gentleman then swept me away to the beach and dinner. He even carried me 3 blocks after my heal broke."

She smiled, "you remind me of Agent Carter." I looked down, "I take that as a complement. I really do." she said, "but?"

I looked at her, "me in a red dress isn't a good thing. Agent Carter is one hell of a woman. James made me research her," she interrupted me, "Lily, if he likes you," we crossed the street and walked into the tower, " then that's not going to matter." I nodded my head as we stepped into the elevator.

Top floor
The two of us walked out to find tony in the kitchen making coffee. I had Skye wait bye the door then headed to the kitchen. "Mr. Stark?" he turned to me, "your back? what did coulson say?" i held up the badge, "oh. well congratulations Agent Walker," he took a drink of his cofee then walked back over to me, "what can I do for you?" I said, "I'm looking for Captain Rogers," as we walked back to the elevator, "I wanted to speak with him."

"capsicle is in his room. He mumbled a few things under his breath, broke my favorite vase then walked into his room and never left. steve's pissed, and I think you know why."

i looked down, "I'm not 100% human. In fact i'm not even human. I'm a clone of Jake Walker's Daughter. Mr. Stark, it's been a couple days and I'm... I think I might love him, tony... Can i go back there?"

he looked away for a moment and took a deep breath, "steve took his shield. Becareful." i nodded my head as the elevator doors opened. tony walked in and smiled before the doors shut. I then looked at skye and said, "I'm sorry." she smiled, "i'll be on the couch. Go talk to the man. Becareful." i nodded my head then said, "if i'm lucky, this will only take an hour," before walking into the hallway and towards steve's room.

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