Author's Introduction

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I'm here to give you a little bit of info about this book.
...Since things might get confusing and such...
This is a prequel, where me and @AndreaRojo3 's OCs would interact.
Project:P.A.R.E.N.T.S., is a 'thing' that I'd like to call them.
Plus this book's story has a huge connection to Project:C.R.I.S.I.S. ((W/ me and @AndreaRojo3 's OCs again))
We both have been writing about our OCs for Two and a half years! So yeah...
Blah blah blah... We own them together... Blah blah blah... We OWN them... Blah....
The first one would've been the "Project:C.R.I.S.I.S." that I haven't yet published.
So, I was thinking... Why not start with the prequel?
I mean... I could do two books at the same time right?
Soooooooo yeaaah... Project:P.A.R.E.N.T.S. Has a huge connection to Project:C.R.I.S.I.S. And you'd have to read...
uhh... Any of the two to know how they're even related...
Also! I'll be making our own official covers for both me and @AndreaRojo3's stories.
We're best friends in real life by the way...!
--insert other stuff about moi here--
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy with us in this journey!
Because I did... ._.
I forgot about the part where me and Andrea would be graduating soon... ._. So yeah...
Part of me just died.
But yeah... I ain't stopping on writing about our characters even if we graduate.
So, again, I hope you guys enjoy our characters and their stories.
About the genre...
It's quite random since there'd be drama, comedy, action and other genres happening...
I'm gonna warn you about possible curse words ahead...
So uhm... Yeah...
I'm horrible at introductions... I'm so sorry.


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