007: dumb girl

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  。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

I stood up and walked into the room with my fiddling with myself and being an awkward dork. There he was. He was awake and healthy. I looked at him and told myself, it is really you. I get to finally talk to you without seeing stabbing wounds and a bloody white shirt. I smiled at him. My happiness level seeing him alive and awake is really high. I looked around the room and it felt so weird but cool. I was in a room with Jeongin, Minho, Felix and Hyunjin. He looks really cute in person. Like if an angel came down from heaven, that angel would be Hyunjin. Wait what am I talking about. My crush on him is not okay. He's not even real. Snap out of it dumbass. 

I was shocked and I was going to faint but nope, not today. I slowly walk up to him and I stood right beside his bed. The leader of Stray Kids is right in front of my eyes. I didn't know what to do. Do I bow or do I just start a conversation saying "Oh how are you?"? Jeongin went up to me with a chair.

"Hi girl waving through the window," Jeongin had a cheery smile while giving me a chair "You should take a seat, doesn't standing too much make you tired? You were standing out there for a whole 10 minutes."

"Oh," I took the chair "Thanks."

I put the chair next to Hyunjin's bed.

"So this is the Hyerin girl Hyunjin kept talking about?" Minho whispered to Felix

"Cute isn't she?" Felix asked

"What?" Minho choked on his water "Dude are you in love? You literally just met her and now you're head over heels for her."

"What no, I just asked if they looked... um, cute." He said

Minho just stood there with a disbelieving face. Jeongin was talking about how happy he is. He's always smiling. He has a bright smile and personality, he's very... fresh. I looked back at Felix and he smiled. I sat down in the chair and Hyunjin tugs my arm.

"Are you really Kang Hyerin?" He asked, "The girl who saved me?"

I had no choice but to say I did. He'll be happy that he's alive because of me.

"Yep, I'm Kang Hyerin!" I said with a cheerful tone. "The key to your life!"

Shit, Fuck, oh no. I screwed up AGAIN. 

Not to mention I did it to Felix, I also did it in front of Hyunjin and the other two, so no shit, I made it worse. So now it gets more awkward with him knowing that I know him and every single little detail about him. Birth time and place, schools he went to, even the brands of clothing he wears, I know it. Don't call me a stalker, my brother made this so how would I not know? Actually, I sneak into his room and check out the newest episodes when he's not there... Plus I have to give a spoiler to my friends. I literally know everything about Hyunjin, no lie.

I really need to go and escape this awkwardness, I have to. I stood up and he grabbed my arm and made me sit down again. Now I actually screwed up big time.

"How did you know that?" He asked while looking at them

He starts getting more suspicious of me. I want to faint and run away. Or jump out the window. This guy won't stop grabbing my hand. I try to go somewhere and avoid him, he grabs my wrist and doesn't let go. He's strong too. Sure he's played soccer and did taekwondo. Wait nevermind, you get strong from playing sports in general. I need to think of an excuse. I think I've used up all my excuses. 

For the number of times, I randomly disappear and miss the bus, I don't think I will have one now. I can say "sorry I have to use the washroom"... No that's too obvious. Think Hyerin, think, you have the quickest mind out of your whole class. I kept hitting my head and they kept looking at me. They're giving me the weirdest looks. I did it! It's like how a lightbulb lights up on top of your head.

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