chapter 2

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We hadn’t closed the curtains last night. Pure, morning light hit our faces at 5am.

At same moment Eva and I groaned.

‘Ow.’ I opened my eyes and turned my head to the left. Eva had her hands over her eyes. Trying to shield herself.

Luckily my bed is right next to my window. It lies horizontally underneath it.

I pushed myself up onto one hand and leant over Eva who turned over violently and buried herself into pillows. I yanked the curtains closed but they’re made of a kind of see-through material so it only dulled the light.

‘Ugh.’ I groaned. My mouth felt horrible. Rough.

I sank back down into the covers. Didn’t even feel like the alcohol had completely worn off yet. I looked at the clock. We only got in an hour and a half ago.

I rolled over and snuggled into Eva.

When we woke up again, it was 11 o’clock. Mum started up vacuum on the landing at bottom of staircase, the bitch. I heard Daisy stomping around downstairs.

Eva sat up. Her hair was matted and flattened at the back. I giggled and yawned widely.

The room was filled with my favourite kind of light. The sort you get when your curtains are half closed or like mine, see-through. A sleepy kind of light that makes you feel wonderful. Makes you never want to get out of bed.

Eva twitched one of the curtains outside. ‘Oh my god. It’s actually sunny outside.’

It had been one of those utter shit Aprils. Did nothing but rain and mist and be cold.

I sat up too and squashed myself up against Eva’s back, eyes screwed up against the light. Looked out the window.

The greyness of the sky had gone. It was pale blue now. And right shining in our faces was a big yellow sun.

Yes! I shouted. I despise in-between weather. If its raining, fine. If its sunny, even better. If it’s grey. Bull shit.

Eva looked at me over her shoulder. I grinned.

She thumped her way out the bed and took two steps into the tiny little en suite that’s almost directly opposite my bed. Couple of seconds later I heard squeak of shower handle being turned and the cascading of water.

I yawned again. Stretched. I knelt up in bed, drew back the curtains.

Daisy came slamming into the loft. Letting the door bang off the wall. There’s actually a dent where the door knob has banged into wall on countless occasions.

‘Daisy. Fuck sake, I told you not to open the door like that.’

Daisy sighed, rolled her eyes and flopped down onto my unmade bed. She looked at me. The thick blonde curls were pushed up around her face. She sighed again for emphasis, puffing out her lips.

I got up, slammed the door closed again and turned around. ‘What do you want?’

‘Why you in just your underwear.’

‘Why the fuck not.’ I said meanly. She narrowed her big blue eyes.

She’s only 11. Already she’s prettier than me.

‘Why do you and Eva sleep in the same bed in just your underwear?’

‘Because it’s comfy.’ I said and walked across my tiny room to long chest of drawers. I changed my underwear. Clothes were still everywhere from last night. I stuffed the old underwear, shorts, jumper, Eva’s dress, everything into washing basket and slammed the lid down.

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