Humanity's Lovers; My only weakness. 《Chapter Four》

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Nightfall had shortly dawned upon the Cadets. The clouds had vanished from the clear midnight blue sky that was freckled with dull fresh stars, as the moonlight pierced through shrubby bushes and illuminated the maroon berries hanging onto it.

Levi sat outside the tent, staring up at the sky. He had come to hate the world and eventually himself at a young age. There was pain and death at every corner, he had always been the last survivor. He couldn't help but worry if his existence destined people to a certain fate, and if Eren would be as doomed like the rest of them.

A soft noise came from the bushes to his left, causing him to turn his head only to see the same Cadet he had degraded earlier.

"Hey, Levi." Eren said, avoiding looking him in the eyes. He was still hurt from earlier. The one person that was supposed to see him for who he truly was couldn't stand to look at him.

"Eren, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Levi exhaled, walking towards Eren then putting his arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer.

Eren embraced his hug and buried his face into Levi's chest, holding back a quiet sob. It felt like an eternity until Levi let go of him.

"Can we go inside of the tent?" Levi sniffed. "I can light a candle." Eren nodded as a reply, holding onto Levi's fingers loosely as he unzipped the tent with one hand and they sat onto the dew soaked scratchy tent floor.

Levi reached over to a small supply box sitting next to his pillow and pulled out a candle with a match, quickly lighting it and placing it down. The smoke and fumes from the candle filled the place with a scent that could only be described as vanilla ash.

He leaned against the back of the tent and motioned for Eren to come lay beside him, which he quickly responded to. Levi wrapped his arm around him, then grabbed onto his chin with his rough calloused hand and forced him to look at him.

"It's not hard for me to look at you, Eren. I didn't mean to hurt you." He looked into the younger Cadet's eyes, emotions consuming him. "I'm just so- I'm so angry, Eren. All I want is to be with you, but loving you could get us both killed."

"I don't care, Levi." Eren sniffed, looking him in the eyes "I don't care what happens to me anymore. If I died tomorrow because of you, I'd be okay with it because I'd die knowing I was loved."

Levi removed his arm that had been previously wrapped around Eren and placed it on his knee, burying his head into it and letting out a slow sob.
The last thing he wanted was to hurt Eren, but he had already excepted death. It felt as if he was leading him to his death just by loving him.

Eren wrapped both of his arms around him, and laid him down into his chest as he released years of anger and hurt onto it. Levi clutched onto Eren's hand as he cried in silence, praying that nobody outside the tent would hear him.

"I'm not planning on dying, Levi. that's not what I'm trying to say. I'm saying that if I have to accept defeat, the only say I'm doing it is if it's with you." Eren said, looking Levi in the eyes, grabbing his face to dry off his tears.

"You better not die, Jeagar. That's an order." Levi sniffed, sitting up slightly and laying himself flat on his back so that Eren could get comfortable.

"Yes, Sir." He replied with a small grin on his face, positioning himself to be more comfortable as he laid his head onto Levi's masculine chest and placed his arm on his stomach.

The two quickly fell asleep with Levi having his arms securely wrapped around Eren, clinging onto him for dear life. The night seemed to have a peaceful ending.

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