Part 2

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Two weeks ago.... the day after Khushi was trapped in the guest house incident.

Khushi at AR designs ....

She never ever gave up on challenges.. she would have listened to her Buaji and jiji and resigned from her job, but somehow this time he had pushed it too far, she wanted to see him accept defeat. She would not quit. Period.

Ofcourse her buaji had no idea about the contract to work for 15 days else pay 1 lakh....

Tossing and toying along with the paperweight, sitting at her desk, looking at her bandaged wrist, Khushi once again went through the sequence of events that had nearly led to her death. May be for the hundredth time now ,...

How she was sat, under the falling roof, giving up all hopes, after trying to pull the jammed door, until ...

The great ASR had come to rescue... How she had lost her cool against this monster... How she repeatedly pushed him... Was it guilt or concern in those dark chocolate brown eyes...

After having waited almost the whole day at the office, fed up, she flung her cloth bag on her shoulder and made her way to the Raizada Mansion. ....

"Where have all the servants gone? " Arnav cursed before rushing to open the door. Least expecting the person stood in front of him.

"Khushi! " exclaimed Arnav.

He had not expected to see her. Well not today, especially after the previous nights adventure. He just assumed she was unwell and did not bother to ask his secretary. For a surprise, he had not even given that a thought, neither about whether she would return to work nor about the contract that was binding her to the job. His relief at saving her was so great, he did not think beyond. Moreover, after the sleepless night, back to back international meetings that had consumed his day, only now did he really give it a thought.

"Aaa aaa aaare you ok?" for the first time Arnav found himself stammering as he walked behind, making way for her to come inside.

Khushi snapped her head up. Looking at his calm face. Rage took over hers. Here he is, all cool and calm when I have been waiting for this man without food, rest, sleep... .... in his office..

"What did you say? Are you ok? Only you can ask such a question. " Khushi was literally going red with anger. "If you really want to know then listen. YES, I AM ok. And listen, I am ok not because of you but in spite of you I am OK."

Arnav moved his hand forward "Listen Khushi..."

Today, she was not here to listen. Raising her palm, she shut him

"Miss.Gupta for you. And YOU listen, because I have heard enough. What did you think? Making me sign some contract, you can make me do anything? And how pathetic can you get? You tried to make me do unreasonable things only to see me defeated? Yes, listen to the PATHETIC jobs you assigned so I could lose. "

Arnav shut his eyes with regret as she recounted the tasks one after the other.

Anjali, Nani, mami, all the while busy talking about the upcoming party, shot out of Nani's room hearing the commotion. Three pairs of eyes gazed with their mouths open. Anjali was aware of the her brother's friction with the fashion show girl from Lucknow, thanks to Akash and Aman, she had kept a thorough watch on her brother. What surprised her was the audacity with which the small town girl talked to her brother, where the mightiest of men shivered under his gaze.

Anjali had heard enough. Her sharp mind quickly accessed the situation and limped ahead to take control.

"Namaste Khushiji"

Both Arnav and Khushi were turned to see the disturbance. Before anyone could talk, Anjali continued,

"Sorry for what happened yesterday". She gave a stern look, raising her hand at Arnav who tried to intervene. Turning to Khushi,

"Khushiji, from tomorrow, I want you to work for me for the rest of your contract, after which you are free to leave. You can work along with my secretary." Turning towards Arnav, looking straight into his eyes, "Chote let me deal with her from now on."

The authority with which Anjali spoke left Khushi speechless. Though Anjali was very warm and affectionate, she was also too sharp and an intelligent lawyer, she was a perfect blend of her parents, their father's intelligence and mother's kind heart. Arnav knew it was a lost case, giving an angry look at Khushi, he marched off, nobody could argue with his sister.

And what started off as a secretarial job for Khushi, also entailed being a nanny to Arun, Anjali's 3 year old son, which was what she mostly did, what with Anjali, well into her 5th month, still showing serious morning sickness, couldn't look after her son.

Introducing Anjali's family...

Anjali married to Arvind Sharma

Sharma Family, Geeta  Sharma, Aditya sharma

Settled in Lucknow, looking after ancestral agricultural lands


Arvind (Married to Anjali) both lawyers 

 Anand (Sunithi)  doctors working in London 

 Ananya IIT Mumbai,  PhD student 

The rest of two weeks went in a jiffy with planning for Arun's birthday party.

Present day.. at the party.  "Go on Mr.Raizada, spill out all the venom you have left. Looks like you have an endless pit filled with venom for me. Like you said, its my last day at your sisters. Though I don't have anything against her family, I don't wish to be in the circle you are in. Keep your money, your high class status with you. Forget trapping you, I can't breathe the same air you are in. Don't think all are behind your money and status. There are other things in life. Anyway, why am I doing the explanation, you are 'know it all'. After today I hope I never meet you."

Khushi stood with such force, the satin covered posh chair wobbled, before Khushi caught hold of it. She made her way to the exit, with Arnav following her quickly, when Arun ran into her. "Khushi Di...., look I told you I will introduce you to my dadi..."

Khushi picked him and greeted "Namaste"

The elderly lady greeted her, but immediately her face turned confused, bewildered....

Cliffhanger... How was it... should I continue???

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