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Recently, M/n has been acting strangely ever since Athanasia brought something to the main palace

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Recently, M/n has been acting strangely ever since Athanasia brought something to the main palace. His movements are lagging, his attention span has dropped, so has his apatite, and his complexion has paled over the days.
Even Seiros and Loki have been affected as well. I had Julian conduct a check-up and she said there was nothing wrong with the three as far as she could tell, they just seemed tired borderline exhausted at times.
What could be going wrong with those three... Could it be that little Fox that Athanasia brought along with that mutt?
I tapped my index finger against the desk while trying to figure out what was happening.
"Your majesty, it's nearly tea time with the children. M/n seems very peppy today, so that's good."

"Verose, did you find anything?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't. Though I do find the appearance of Faizel and Raven strange. As cute as they are, it's rather strange that M/n's energy levels crashed so suddenly. It's like his output is greater than the level of Mana now.
Instead of regulating it, it's becoming unbalanced again. I had him skip his daily output and that appears to have helped the situation."I nod at his explanation then stood up from the desk. However, I was still worried about him. Verose and I depart from my office, as we did that a question arises.
"So have to confess your heart to Zenith?"

"Of course...Not. I'm not brave like my brother. He managed to spill his feeling to you with a problem, I on the other hand... I'm a little bit too shy for that. Then I fear rejection, like Julian said; he's a man that has no desire for commitment."

"You'll never know until you jump out there. So if you don't do it yourself, I'll do it for you."Verose let out a string of unrecognizable sounds with a bright red hue dusting over his cheeks and ears.
"Geez! So forceful! I'll do it eventually."

"I'm giving you two weeks."

"WHAT?!" After teasing Verose on the way to the garden, I soon sat back and listened as M/n and Athanasia talked on about random things and eat cake. Suddenly, Seiros and Loki drop down to the ground. Startled Verose and Julian rush over to see if they were okay, oddly Seiros vanished just before Loki. What Loki did made me snap my head over to the children; He mouths out the word blood while pointing over at M/n and Athanasia.
"Daddy... I...I don't feel good.."Both M/n and Athanasia were both losing blood from their mouths and they collapsed.


HAVE AWOKEN!!"That's all it took, hearing Felix and Verose screaming, rushed to the room only to see them both crying out in pain. They're not any better than before.
"What do you think you're doing? I told you to heal then. What on earth did you do to make their condition worse."I was losing my cool hearing M/n's pained cry fill the air behind me.
"I beg your pardon, your majesty, but the royal children's condition has not worsened...
It is only because they have gained consciousness that they feel pain. There isn't anyone can when the prince's Mana suddenly rushed from his body and the same goes for the princess but not to the extent of the prince."I clenched my hand closed after hearing that M/n was worse off, it just pissed me off even more.
"So I told you to find a solution, and yet you don't even have the decency to be ashamed of your incompetence."

"I b-beg your forgiveness, your majesty. But I am the most knowledgeable among the royal magicians when it comes to Mana abnormalities."Hearing his voice only fueled my anger. I stepped closer to the fool with his head to the floor.
"Do you wish to die? You have an intricate way of asking to be killed... Bring in another Magician and lock him in the Dungeon."I watched as he was dragged out of the room and my focus turned back to the sniffing children. Eventually, I put them to sleep to lessen the pain they felt.

I had Verose move M/n to the room over as I looked for someone but before I could get far. Verose stops me from running off; that's after he put M/n the other room. Tears rushed down his face and it looked hard for him to speak.
"I...I'm such an idiot! I should have figured it was because of the Mana beast Faizel."

"What do you mean?"

"M/n is nothing but a child! He has too many, to begin with, but the ones taking the most of his Mana was Seiros and Faizel. When Faizel vanished, I noticed that M/n started to look better and completely forgot what I was going to tell you. Loki is different, he can give and replenish Mana while the other two can't. Which means while those two took more, Loki could only give less and was soon having his own Mana taken."

"That means they were both suffering without realizing it."

"Yes, and when M/n's body couldn't take it anymore, Seiros was forced back and that's what caused M/n's Mana to surge out of control...For now, Seiros will not be returning until M/n is at the proper age, I had no choice but to seal him."I nod getting ready to turn and bolt off but Zenith comes rushing down the hall with a man with long black hair and...Ruby eyes.
"Which royal child should I heal first?"

"Which royal child should I heal first?"

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