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Somehow, I slept for an additional four days, which meant I was closer to death than Athanasia

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Somehow, I slept for an additional four days, which meant I was closer to death than Athanasia. However I was brought up to speed on what happened over the days I slept; Athanasia now lives in the emerald palace, Lucas will be our playmate, Verose finally confused to Zenith; who froze in surprise, Faizel and Raven aren't to be near us for more than four hours a day, and...Hmmm, I believe that's it.

Currently, I'm sitting down with Athanasia and Lucas casually drinking tea as they spoke to each other.
"So is there a reason you two are nearing wearing similar outfits?"[Picture above]

"I was wondering the same, care to share Athy?"

"Hey! You've been asleep for a while and I missed you, so what's better than twining for a day!?"

"I look like a flightless Phoenix...But it's cute, I'll admit that."I placed the teacup onto the table between us and leaded back. My senses are quite dull, I was lucky enough to get out of bed today. Claude through a fit about me getting up and walking around, so I had to convince him that I wouldn't wander outside and if I did Verose, Zenith, or Lucas were to accompany me. However, I get where he's coming from, I did almost die.
"Let me just freeload for a bit. I've stayed in the palace for a few days now and I've gotten used to the convenience."

"Mister, how old are you really?"I looked over at Athanasia for a second then looked at Lucas, she has a good question because I was wondering the same thing but from the looks of it, he seems to be our- Well more of her age now.
"Athanasia, just consider him around our age, we're going to be growing up together. I don't mind it. That means I get to see how Lucas is growing up~"I'm not sure Athanasia didn't like my response, so she chooses to ignore what I said and continued to on.
"If you're going to be our friend, at least introduce yourself."


"You already know my name, you know my age. What else do you need to know? Every other thing that could define me has already disappeared...Then how do you introduce yourself when making new friends?"Hearing that time from Lucas felt so sad and lonely, I mean I wouldn't truly know either. My whole life the only person I allowed close to me was my adopted brother, even when he had plenty of friends, I decided not to interact with them.
"Athy don't say anything stupid please-"

"If I'd known I was going to end up here with you, I would rather have gone and been friends with Mister White's son!"Right when Athy said that she grabbed my hand and Lucas looks up at her from the book he held.
"Then go befriend White's boy if you want to so badly."I felt energy pooling around his index finger and before I could pull my hand away...I was sent free-falling with Athy!!! I couldn't do anything in this situation, my body was too weak to call upon Loki nor could I use any magic! My first thought was to protect Athanasia, so I pulled her against me and protected her as he crashed into...A person?!
"Two angels?"I looked up and prepared to grab my dagger from my sleeve but I was met with familiar gold eyes.
"No...Not angel's, then how did you-"

"Ijekiel!"I immediately teleported Athy and myself behind the closest bush and sighed heavily, that sudden movement was pushing it and I was already winded, my body felt like lead now.
"What were you thinking?!"

"Sorry, had to get us from others there immediately."
Athy placed her hand on my shoulder to help me sit down comfortably.
"Ijekiel, there you are. What are you doing here all by yourself?"I could feel Ijekiel glance over where we dropped off at.
"I was looking for Jennette."I couldn't believe that asshole was trying to drop Athanasia here alone! Though I didn't sign up for this damn field trip and I tried to warn her that he's only been known to be kind to M/n only.
"She must have been upset and ran out of the mansion again but I've told you that you don't need to handle all of her tantrums. That child is also Alpheu's precious treasure but you are what is most important. You should know with me reminding you."I shook at his cold words, it just reminded me of my adopted father and how he treated us all, I remember being told I was only valuable because I was a great assassin, other than I held no value.

I wanted to cry at that moment, I wanted to run and hug Claude and listen to him say everything would be alright.

"I'm okay, don't worry about me..."I gave Athy a weak smile then turned to look through the bush.
"Yes, I know. But I'll look around a little longer, I'm leaving soon, so I want to make it up to her before then."

"I see, I'll leave you to do what's right. I trust you."Roger walks off and not long after I hear foot sets leading over to us but they stop.
".....Are you two still there? I'm sorry, I'm still lacking and couldn't catch you both properly!
Are you two okay-"

"Angel's don't get hurt, we're fine."


"Yes, so please stay there and keep your distance."Athanasia calls out before I could and suddenly, my body was sent down without Athy and I landed back on the couch!
"M/n!! Why did you teleport when you could have ran!?"

"Ugh, why did you drop us in the middle of the Alpheus den?!"I yelled sitting up but this results in our heads colliding, both of us stunned from the closeness.
"Sorry, I only meant to send Athanasia, I didn't realize she had grabbed your hand."I mushed him back and rubbed my forehead, Lucas moves my hand out of the way then pokes the area. Suddenly I'm full of energy and I feel as if I could run around the palace a few times.
"Don't be reckless."

"Ahahaha, you have no idea who you're talking to...Also bring my sister back or I'll be mad at you."

"Of-Of course! I wouldn't want that!"

"Of-Of course! I wouldn't want that!"

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