The Ball

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The carriage stopped at a luxurious silver palace the one that looks like Cinderella's one, but smaller.

The carriage's door opened as one of Lucie's man-servant that her mother brings bowed low holding Lucie's hand and helped her getting out of the carriage. After Lucie stood safely on the ground, the man-servant did the same to Madeleine.

Lucie was in awe when she saw the magnificent palace stood proudly covering the green hills.

"Stunning, is it not? Do you knowledge that if you wed with se prince, all of these will be yours," Madeleine said as she gestured to the palace.

"Oui, I do knowledge that maman," Lucie nodded as they made their way into the palace.

Lucie and her mother stood in front of the palace's door, as one of the emperor's man bowed politely opening the door.

The ball was filled with hundreds of people from the Bonheur's high society, dancing, chatting, and laughing.

"Ah, Madeleine! It is enchanting to see thou!," a womanly voice said.

"Anne!," Madeleine gasped. "Tis a real fine coincident!"

As Anne and Madeleine chatted, Lucie left both of them not wanting to be in the conversation.

Suddenly, the light disappeared giving a spotlight on the top of a luxurious huge stairs. There he was, Antoine. The royal and official prince of the Bonheur Land.

Taking his way down all the young ladies sighed, paralyzed by his charms.

"Such fools," Lucie muttered.

Madeleine approached the charming lad, before all the lass could.

"Madame Madeleine!," Antoine exclaimed as they bowed in unison.

They both are acquaintance since Emma (Lucie's former mother) was the empress' best friend ever since Emma saved the empress from a group of thieves. And yes, Emma was indeed a brave lady. When the empress offer her an honour, Emma politely denied her offer. But, after some discussion between the emperor and the empress they both reach an agreement to give Emma's elder daughter Lucie a chilvaric rank and that rank is the "marquise" rank.

"Comment çava, Antoine?," Madeleine asked trying to start the conversation.

"Çava bien, Madame," Antoine answered.

"Ah! May I know where thy royal father is?," she asked.

"Aye, he is upstairs still preparing. What about se lovely Mademoiselle Lucie?" Antoine asked.

"Oh, she is also very well thank you. Especially after knowing she was invited to this magnificent ball! She can not hardly wait to see thou," Madeleine smirked as she gestured Lucie to join them.

Rolling her eyes, Lucie walked towards her mother and the prince.

"Such pleasant to see thou, Lord Antoine," Lucie bowed.

" As am I, m'lady," he smiled sheepishly before taking Lucie's hand and planted a gentle kiss which make her disgusted.

When the emperor walked into the grand ball the music started inviting every guests to swirl around the dance floor.

"Pardon, but I have to go. Enjoy yourselves! À tout à l'heure!," Madeleine winked as she twirled over the dance floor towards the emperor.

"Let us dance! Shall we?," Antoine smiled offering his hand to Lucie.

Lucie gave a hesitated look, seeing this Antoine tried to calm her down. "Tis a rare chance," he whispered making Lucie shivered in disgust.

Unable to deny the offer because of her mother's evil cold stare, she nodded slightly taking Antoine's hand.

He grinned.

A new music started to play, it was a wee bit faster than the first which made Lucie sighed in relieve.

As they started to waltz swiftly on the dance floor, Lucie was impressed by Antoine's dancing ability. For once, she felt less-disgusted to him. Despite the icy stares from the other lass, she was starting to enjoy it.

Antoine murmured something, but it wasn't audible for her to hear.

As the music came to an end, the couples bowed and so does Lucie and Antoine.

When she was about to speak, Madeleine and the emperor came towards them.

"Ah, se two love-birds," the emperor smirked.

"Your highness!," Lucie exclaimed bowing low.

"Please dear, thy former mother saved my wife's life! We owe thou, just call me Alfonse," he gave Lucie a fatherly smile.

"Oh, I simply can not. May I just call thou Lord Alfonse," Lucie pleaded.

Alfonse let out a rich baritone laugh.

"Thou are exactly alike thy mother," he said.

"Thou will be perfect for Antoine," Alfonse winked.


A/N : Hey guys! How is the story? Do you like it? Please tell me if I have mistaken some grammars or words.

Thank you in advance!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2013 ⏰

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