Chapter 4: Gone

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(Back in Wayne Manor)

Wayne family's POV

The Wayne family (Along with Barbara Gordon and Stephanie Brown) can be seen in the living room of Wayne Manor, with Tim comforting Barbara.

Barbara: I can't believe his gone

(Barbara says while crying)

Tim: I know Barbara...I know...

Jason and Stephanie are on the sofa. Jason has his head down trying to stop himself from crying.

Jason: After five mouths of searching...
We finally find him only to lose him...
just like that...

(Jason slams his hand on the wooden table in front of him and screams out in anger)


Stephanie: !!!JASON CALM DOWN!!

(Stephanie put her hand on Jason's shoulder)

Stephanie: Listen Jason, screaming and blaming Joker wouldn't bring Dick back.

Jason: Do you think I don't know that

(Jason lowers his head)

Jason: It's just not fair.


(At Central Park)

Damian's POV

Damian sits on a bench in Gotham Central Park all alone sense it's 2:00 in the morning and no one was around.
He was sitting in front of a playground looking at the swings and remembering memories from the past.


(Flashback 7 years ago)

It was December the 10th, my father and the others (except Gordon)
had gone on a secret mission and didn't know when they'll be back. All of them went on the mission except the youngest member of the family, Richard. At the time I was 23 years old while Richard was 6 years old. Which meant the he had a lot of energy.


(Inside Wayne Manor)

I was in the library, sitting in the fire place reading a book. There was snow outside and it was cold. Just then I hear someone running down the stairs.

(Alfred can be seen dusting some paintings when he sees Dick run down the stairs)

Alfred: Master Dick please, do not run down the stairs you could get hurt.

Dick: Sorry Alfred...Hey Alfred...
Have you seen Damian?

Alfred: He is in the library reading young sir.

Dick: !!!Okay...Thanks Alfred!!!

Alfred: You are welcome Master Dick

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