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Hello, my name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n). I moved to Pennsylvania when I was around four years old. Not a good part of Pennsylvania either. I've always hated Brownsville if i'm being completely honest. There is a good part about living here though, my best friend Stanley Barber.

When I was around nine years old some of the so called "popular" girls were bullying me because I had no friends. Stan saw that they were bullying me and came to me to protect me from them. We kind of just clicked, you know? We got really close and became best friends. He's honestly the best. Makes sense because we've been friends for the past seven years.

Stan has always been my only really close friend. I've had other friends in the past but they would always leave me and you can't even compare them to Stan. I have up on trying to make new friends, i'm bad at it and I only need Stan.

Right now i'm in health, my last class of the day. Stan asked me to meet him by his car after school today, I obviously agreed. Hopefully he will ask me if I want a ride home because I don't want to walk home.

*Time skip to after class*

As I was walking out of the school building I noticed Stan sitting on the hood of his car. He was playing around with his fingers. Like he was fidgeting, maybe he's nervous but I don't know what about. I really hope he's okay. I walk up to him and begin to talk.

"Hey Stan, are you okay?" I reach for his hand so he knows i'm there. He can space out when he's like this.

"Oh hey (Y/n), uhh yeah i'm okay." He didn't sound 'okay' and he didn't lift his head up.

I could tell he wasn't going to lift up his head. I took my thumb and index finger and tilted his head up, he resisted and tried to keep his head down. When he gave up on trying he let me lift up his head. I saw that he had a black eye and that's probably why he had his head down.

"Stanley! Oh my gosh what happened??" I feel so bad for him and almost start tearing up. I hate seeing him like this, seeing him hurt.

"it was my dad again, it hurts pretty bad." He stretches out his arms to give me a hug and I of course hug back.

"Is this why I haven't seen you all day?" I burry my head in his neck and feel him nod.

After we let go of each other we get in his car. He turns towards me before turning the car on or putting his seatbelt on.

"Do you want a ride home?" Was all that he said.

"Uh actually can I come to your house?" He looked kind of shocked that I asked, I don't know why. I've stayed there before.

"Oh, umm yeah." He started the car and put his seatbelt on.

"Stan if you don't want me too o it's fine, I just thought you would like some company tonight." It felt really awkward in the car an-

"No no no, (Y/n) i'd love the company. Thank you." My thoughts were cut short by Stan talking and putting his hand on my thigh. Woah, that's for sure new.

word count- 574
(a.n) hiii so i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. please tell me if you did i would love feedback! i know this chapter was short and i'm very sorry. i don't promise on having chapters that are like 1,000-2,000 words. i don't know how people do that honestly. if you read this i love you <3 have a good day

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