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     Me and Stan went back to his house after we left the bowling alley and it was quiet in the car but not an awkward quiet. Fly by Bloodwitch was playing, our favorite song. When we got to his house his dad was home. I don't really like his dad. He can be rude to me and I hate it, I especially hate it when he's rude to Stan. I hate having his dad here and seeing him be rude to Stan in front of company. He shouldn't be rude to him as it is. Sometimes I wanna speak up and say something but I'm afraid. I shouldn't be afraid of my best friends dad.

We tried to walk past him without him saying something or being rude. It didn't work.

"Oh hey your girlfriend is here! I'm surprised you haven't brought a guy home yet." He sounded very drunk and then I noticed the four empty beer bottles on the ground.

"Dad I've told you before, she's not my girlfriend. She's just my friend" He looked down and sighed.

To be completely honest, it hurt when he said we were 'just friends' i wish we were more. Maybe we will be someday but you never know, right?

"Yeah whatever asshole! Go in your room I don't wanna see you!" He yelled at Stan and I felt really bad for him. His dad shouldn't treat him like that. Me and Stan went down to the basement.

"He's such a dick!" He plops down onto his couch he called his bed and I went and sat next to him. When I got over to him he was leaning forwards with his head in his hands.

"I know Stan, but a couple more years and you can move out, you can always stay with me you know? A-and I'm almost always free so I can come over anytime." I put my hand on his back and rubbed his back.

Stan lifted his head from his hands and looked at me. He smiled and reached out to hug me. I hugged back and we sat there in silence just hugging each other for a few minutes. It was really nice.

"Thank you (y/n), this means a lot. Really, it does." He released from the hug and we sat there looking at each other.

"Of course Stan, I'll always be here for you, I promise. Nothing will ever come between us right?" I reach out my hand to his, we've always pinky swore promised stuff, if one of us broke that promise the other person was aloud to be mad at them for as long as they wanted.

"Yes, I pinky swear to you." He locked his pinky with mine and we held pinkies for a couple seconds.

"Good, now lets listen to some music." I get up from the couch and go to the record player and where he kept his vinyl's and pulled out the one with 'I'm The King Of Rock N' Roll' on it. He always puts it on when I'm sad or mad about something because it always cheers me up, so I put it on for him too.

"(Y/n) I love this song!" He got up from the couch with a huge smile on his face.

"I know, and you always put it on for me sooo I put it on for you." I laughed and walked over towards him.

Me and Stan danced around his room and sang along with the song. Its like music takes all of our problems away. I feel like I'm in a different world when I'm with Stan, he doesn't care about anything. He's the master of zero fucks given. I feel like it's just me and him and I'm not worried about anything, not worried about school, about my mom worrying where i am all the time, not worried about Stan's dad, I'm not worried about any of my problems. It's like me and Stan against the world.

"HOT DOG, JUMPING FROG, ALBUQUERQUEEEE!!" I was yelling the lyrics of the song and I had my eyes closed while dancing and I bumped into Stan and we both fell onto the ground and I ended up on top of him.

"Oh Stan I'm sorry" I held myself above him but then fell because I started laughing so hard. He was laughing along with me.

The basement was filled with laughter from me and Stan and the sound of our 'happy song' playing on his record player. I love spending time with him. I can't imagine what my life would be like without him. He's been such a great friend to me ever since he protected me from the bullies in elementary school. I feel like I would be so sad without him, he'd be the person I wished I was friends with. But here I am friends with him, and even better we are best friends. Even though i wish we were more than just friends but we will see how that goes for me. Nothing ever goes my way but I'm gonna try, I really like Stan but not just as a friend. I wonder if he knows, I mean we KISSED so I don't know. I'm really confused about where our friendship is going.

*Time skip to when they are sleepy because idk what to write*

"Hey Stan I'm getting tired" I was sitting on the couch by his feet because he was laying on the couch.

"Yeah me too. Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" He sits up so we are making eye contact.

"Stan, I've slept here before. We always share the couch." I chuckle and he starts to turn red. I wonder why, that's really weird but I don't think anything of it.

"Oh yeah, duh okay." He gets up off the couch and goes to get blankets from upstairs and I get comfortable on the couch. I always sleep on the inside and he sleeps on the outside.

"Okay I got three blankets, I don't think we will need three but I got them anyway." In his hands he holds three blankets, all of different colors. One is brown and it looks like a lightweight blanket, another is a darker green and it looks like another lightweight blanket, the last one is dark purple and it looks like a heavier and warmer blanket.

I was laying on the inside of the couch facing the cushions. He turned off his lamps and came to the couch. He laid next to me and draped two blankets over us, the green one and the purple one since it was a little cold. He put his arm over me and it stayed there on my hip, he was snuggled up to my neck and I loved it. I heard him snoring and I knw he was passed out but for some reason I couldn't fall asleep so I stayed there and enjoyed him laying with me. I heard him start to talk and sometimes he sleep talks so I didn't care, until I heard him say something to me.

"(Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?" I heard him snore after that so I guess he's sleeping still. Wait, then that answers my question if he likes me or not. I'll tell him about it in the morning.

I wanted to answer and see if he said anything else, like if he could hear me in his dream. I didn't, I would've felt stupid talking to someone whos asleep. I laid there and tried to fall asleep. It took a little bit, well like one to two hours but I did eventually fall asleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------word count: 1,278

(a.n) Woah, I wrote a chapter that has 1,000 words. i feel accomplished. I'm literally so obsessed with the IT movies lately and i keep obsessing over Wyatt more anymore everyday lol but he makes me happy so. Anyway, i hope you guys are doing fantastic. I didn't get this chapter out sooner because i was working on it before my cat died and when he died it really has affected me. but im back! ill try to keep up with my chapters more lol i really like this book so far. i hope you do too. have a good day/night <3 and if you haven't heard it yet today, i love you. someone out there cares about you <3

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