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I'm not going to lie, I kind of liked when Stan put his hand on my thigh. He realized what he did and took back his hand. He then apologized, I actually got disappointed when Stan took his hand away.

Stan turned on Bloodwitch and started to head towards his house. Stan introduced me to Bloodwitch on one of my not so great days. He showed me all his favorite songs and it really cheered me up. I've loved Bloodwitch ever since. One of our top favorites, 'Fly' was on and I didn't notice we were at his house until the music shut off.

We got out and entered the house I called my own. There were some bottles on the living room floor and you could tell that the remote was thrown at the wall. I feel so bad for Stan, I just want to always be there to protect him. His father hasn't ever been a good father. I'm always here for Stan and I hope he knows that he can talk to me about anything.

We make our way through the living room and down to the basement. It smelled like weed and the cologne Stan wears. I love the smell of them two, they always make me think of him.

Stan went over to his record player and pulled out a Bloodwitch vinyl. He put it on and 'Skipping Stones' began to play. He came over to the couch and sat next to me. It didn't take long for Stan to break the silence between us.

"So, wanna smoke?" He reached in his inner coat pocket and pulled out a joint.

"Yeah sure, why not?" I love smoking with Stan. It gets our minds off of all the awful things we go through.

*Time skip- They are on the floor playing would you rather*

"okay okay, would you rather tell me you deepest darkest secret or-" I cut Stan off my sitting up, he sat up too and adjusted how he was sitting.

"I'll tell you my secret Stan." I look into his eyes and he motions for me to go ahead.

"Okay, my secret is that I hate everyone but you. You'll always be my number one." I smile but get nervous and look down.

He leaned closer to me and lifted my head up the same way I lifted his up in the school parking lot.

"(Y/n) you'll always be my number one too." After that was said he was silent.

We stood up and we looked into each other's eyes, I noticed Stan would dart his attention from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes. We kept inching closer and closer. Finally Stan closed the gap between us and kissed me. At first I was taken back but I liked it. He stepped back almost immediately, probably realizing what he just did.

"I uh- i'm sorry. Was that bad?" We looked at each other and didn't say anything until I leaned in and kissed him harder than he kissed me.

After I pulled back I just looked at him and smiled. he smiled back to me. The room was filled with the sound of Bloodwitch playing from the record player.

"So do you think I could stay the night?" I asked still smiling.

"Yeah, definitely." We stood there and didn't say anything, it was really awkward.

"Um a-are you hungry? We could go eat at the diner." I had to say something, so I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Oh, uh yeah sure. Just let me find my keys." He left the basement and I stayed down there and waited for him. I looked around his room. It feels like i've never been here before, yet I come over almost every day.

Stan came back to his room and said we could go. I got my phone and we left the house. I've always loved Fiddles Diner, I feel so at home there.

We got to the diner and our usual booth was taken by these two girls i've never seen. Stan went over to them and said hi. It seemed like he knew them, but how come he's never mentioned them to me?

"Hi Syd, Dina. What are you guys doing here?" He got in the booth next to the girl with short red hair, I think that's Syd.

"Hey Stanley." They said in sync.

"Who's this?" The other girl said. She had black curly hair that was pulled up into a ponytail. She stared at me and i felt really uncomfortable.

"Oh yeah I haven't introduced you guys to my best friend. This is my friend (y/n). She's been my best friend for seven years." He says smiling at me, I smile and half wave at the girls that sat in the booth.

"Hi i'm Dina!" The black haired girl said. She got up to shake my hand and had a very friendly smile plastered on her face.

I shook Dina's hand and smiled back. She went to the other side of the booth that she was once sitting at and told Stan to sit by me so I didn't feel awkward. He got up and sat on the opposite side of the booth. I sat down next to him.

Dina nudged Syd's arm and she realized she hadn't introduced herself.

"Oh sorry. Hi i'm Sydney. You can call me Syd." She smiled at me but it was definitely forced.

"Well it's nice to meet you guys. Are you new here?" I didn't really make eye contact with them. I payed more attention to my hands and the table.

"Yeah! It's nice to meet you too." Dina said, she seems really nice. Hopefully we can all be friends.

word count: 966

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