We Met On Facebook

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this is a new story that i made when i was confuse.

well, its unedited!

hope you guys like it!

just enjoy...


You'll never know when the love is calling. And you can't choose who will be your love. So does Apple. She's an ordinary girl. Enjoying her live in her owns. Never thinking about what others say. Love her dad more than her mom because she left them all alone when she was so young. Her life was just as normal as it could be. But she has one weakness. She's afraid to falling in love with someone.

Apple POV

I met him through facebook. At the first time it was usual. It is very usual. He sent a friend request a few days ago. But once I confirmed he simply wrote on my wall.

Thanks for confirm me. It is nice to know ya.

He wrote. I didn't give any comment nor write on his wall. I just give it a like. Just so he'd know that I've read the post from him. His name is Aaron Simpson. He's from Australia. Age was 11 months younger than me. But he's still just trying to get me to talk to him. If I'm online through facebook chat he would soon chat me. Although rarely being replied, he just keep posting words on my wall. Well just say "hi" or "how are you? ".

Until that day I was idly replied to the post that he sent on my wall. I still remember the day. The date was June 5, 2010. Today is my birthday. He say happy birthday to me with all the good wishes he wrote for me. And I responded with these words:

Thanks. Hope everything is going well with you too

Five minutes later, his name reappeared on my notification. Finally we talked through facebook wall and began to closes in just a day. You could say he's got a cute look with a charming smile. But .. ah no! No! I can't like the guy from cyberspace. I can't be in love. It's impossible! Its..

"Apple!" There was a sudden sound startled me.

"Oh, Jess." I said relieved to know that the call is Jessica's best friend, not a ghost.

"absolutely! You guess who? "Jessica asked in a tone of bragging.

"I think the ghost." I said innocently.

"Talk to the hand, girl! This is me. The most beautiful girl in the world and you just said a ghost. Pity the guy then. "Jessica starts talking with her own style.

"Really why do the same with the boys?" I'm still slow. Well, it's known I was daydreaming about Aaron again why he came and hit me in the real world.

"Yes, because .. ah, never mind. Who make you have this daydreaming anyway? "Jessica was about to continued her words before turn around and face me. I knew if she was confused about what she wants to say and I would love to tease her about it. But on the other hand I also want to confide in her about someone who fills my days lately.

"Uh, lady! Hey! Apple! Be aware! I'm still here! Don't be so simply to ignoring me! "Jessica's style just come out again.

"Jess, I want to tell something that I kept in these days as a big secret. So, blah blah blah. " those words about Aaron slid out of my mouth and listened carefully by Jessica.

"So so, Jess." I said before ending the long speech I have said to Jessica. Uh, how's speech? I mean the story. But Jessica just responded with one word, namely, "Oh". Plus a bonus look confused that soon being shocked by the screams, "YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME SOLUTION! DO NOT JUST OH! "Right into her ear.

The owner of the ears could only be surrendered with a little grumbling. Perhaps you are surprised with the style of our friendship. I, myself sometimes wonder why can we be friends. Maybe because of the time because the first day of school only two of us who came late and got the punishment from those fierce senior brother huh? Ops, so carry a senior. Will get some nuisances, if any senior read this. So, back again to Jessica and myself.

"I think just enjoy it. Relaxing on the beach. Later on if you guys like each other in the real live. You two can be invented in a relationship. "Advice Jessica.

"Invented? Don't you aware, Jess? He is in the place named as Aussie. AUSTRALIA, Jess. Do you know where Australia was? "I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I do know where Australia was. The time I do not ever sleep at class in when Mr. Leroy teaching."Replied Jessica mentioning our geography teacher's name.

"So, when you know. Why did you make ask me to be relaxed? what if I like him? Can I still be able to be relax? "I start this again.

"Yes, I asked you to be relaxed. Its better than I asked you to do jogging in this place? "Jessica replied in a tone of indignation. Then ....


Bell rang for class. And we had to split up because we're not in the same class. So, the show began. People who see this would cry too. The tears between me and Jessica just getting more and more. Not only that, we hugged each other tightly before stepping this foot into a cruel life out there. Hahaha. Joking. Maybe I had been infected with the disease called "lebay" by Jessica.

When I reach the class Miss Diana wasn't arrived yet. Phew, thank goodness. How lucky I am! I thought to myself. And I've purposely to come late about 10 minutes. But how kids at tense when they see me?

"Um." There was someone clearing her throat behind me.

"Ah, hell . Slob out. "I said while looking for candy in my uniform pocket. And looking towards Rio who's pointing toward me, looked tense.

"Um." Voice was again heard. It seems from the same person.

"Iih, slob out. Just keep silence, won't you? I'm still looking for candy for you. Why, Rio? "I said to the owner of the voice and Rio simultaneously.

"I.. .. I... On your back." Said Rio was still tense. I'm intrigued by the owner of the voice. And so I turned...

"OH MY GOD!" I was shocked.

"Good morning, miss Styles. My name is Diana not God. You get problems with my voice? " miss Diana asked with a cruel smile.

"Ah, no. Nothing, miss. I do not have any problems with your voice. Your voice is sounds so pretty. "my gabble.

"Is everything that Miss Styles just said is true, class" asked Miss Diana to my classmates. They are just silent. Silent. Silent one. Until unexpectedly Donald Duck voice. You know, right? Donald the duck who loves to nag.

"No, Miss. She just lied to you. "Said the voice. The Donald Duck are none other than the Donna. Her name is Donna only. And her voice really same as a Donald Duck.

"What do you think if I ask her to leave my class early, Donna?" Ask Miss Diana with a cruel smile again. Immediately, I looked over Donna, pretended to look cute.

"I totally agree with it." Dona said, smiling sweetly at me. Maybe if looks could kill she would die that instant by me. Then I will walk out of the classroom alone.

I go to facebook and update status. Just one word.


Five minutes later .. 3 notices appear and all the same.

Aaron Simpson commented on your status.

Huh! What the hell this boy wants now? I thought. Finally I opened my remarks.



"Tell me plz."

Eventually I decided to tell him via inbox. I told him about the incident at the school this afternoon. And unlike usual, he simply replied:

Be patient, babe.

I immediately replied:

Babe??????? I'm not yours so, do not call me babe!!!!

5 minutes later he wasn't respond. 10 minutes later he did not respond. Until makes me feel bad. Finally I wrote on his inbox again.

I'm so sorry if my words hurt you.

We Met On FacebookWhere stories live. Discover now