Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 here everyone!

Sorry for making you guys wait... Hope you like it...

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Apple’s POV

I just open my facebook when I saw his status on my timeline.

When I die, would you still remember me?

I opened his comments but there’s no answer from him.

He made me confused and worried. Soon I send him a message.

"Why with you, little boy?"

Five minutes passed. There was no answer. I looked at the clock. 09.00 pm. Means in Australia at 11.00 pm. Maybe he's asleep. I also walked out of the room to find a quiet family room. Silent as the house. I think I will have something to eat so, I walked to the kitchen and met my servant (bik Inah). "Has daddy come home yet?" I asked the maid who had take care of me since my childhood.

"No, he hasn't. Your dad said he'll directly goes to Australia after his work at Singapore finished. There will be a meth? a mad?  i don't know." Bik Inah answered innocently amuse me.

"The purpose of meeting, bik?" I asked after successfully controlling laughter loose.

"Well, yes it is non! Meeting! "Bik Inah said it with passion.

Australia huh? Somehow since I knew Aaron via facebook, I always thought of him as someone who says something about Australia. Statuses are also written in my brain spun. The words in the Indonesian language means,  “ketika aku mati, akankah kamu masih mengingatku?”

What happened to him? What was on his mind to wrote such as that thing? Is he going to die? Ah, stupid question! Of course, everyone will die, we just do not know when. But .....

"Non! Non, is it okay? "Bik Inah sound hit me back from my thought.

"Eh .. um .. it is, bik. I'm okay. "I said, trying to smile even though my mind was filled with Aaron. What's wrong with him?

"Really, non? Why I think that you have a lot of thought? "Bik Inah trying to find out.

"Nope, bik. Probably just fatigue. I'm going to my room, bik "I said as I walked out of the kitchen to my room.

I did what always makes me feel better when I am in a bad mood. Listen to the music. Yes, the music always makes me feel better when things are bad. Sometimes it is also coupled with the coffee but it was getting late and I wanted to sleep so, caffeine is not a good choice.

I lay on my bed, listening to the first track of playlists in my phone. Slowly but surely eventually sleepiness hit me too. I do not remember when, probably at the time of the song to the 7th or 8th but obviously I fell asleep at last.


I'm broken.

Do you hear me?

I'm blinded cause you are everything I see.

I'm dancing alone.

I'm praying that your heart will just turn around. Soft voice of Liam Payne from One Direction playing softly from my phone. With still very sleepy, I pick up the phone.

"AAAPPPPPLLLLLEEEE" Jess shrill voice yelling my name immediately hit me into the real world.

"Hey, can't you speak slowly? You hurt my ear "I said a little angry.

"I?? Since when is an Apple use my words? Hahahaha .. "he laughed.

"Ah, whatever! What is it calling in the morning? "I asked again

"The morning?? It's already at 11 am, non! "Jess complain to me.

"Helllowwww, Jess! It's Saturday so at 11 am is still very early for me. Moreover, I was just sleeping at.. "I forgot what time I slept but it becomes insignificant after Jessica interrupting me.

"Ah, you going to bed at what time is not my business! I do not care! Which I care is now, this minute. Btw, let's hang out? "She said.

"Hmm, where?" I'm still sleepy.

"Wherever you want to go, babe. Come on! I pick you up in 5 more minutes." She said before ending the conversation. With still feeling lazy, I finally walked to the bathroom.

New out of the shower, my bathroom door banging by someone shouting my name.

"Apple! Hurry up! "Jess shrill voice sounded again.

"Yeah, a while." I cried in a voice still hoarse after waking.

"Come on, I've been waiting for you, Aps! Moreover my cousin said that he waits for a year now!" Jessica again banged on the door of my bathroom.

"Wait, we're going with your cousin?" I asked in surprised.

"Yes, we are!" she makes sure.

We Met On FacebookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin