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*Ren's POV*

I nestled into my bed and picked up my journal looking for an escape back into the world that I once called mine.

I looked and saw that my next journal entry was 2 weeks after he showed me the treehouse in the woods.

And 2 weeks since he kissed me...

It has been 2 great weeks.

I know, I know, 2 weeks, that is soooooo short.

But considering it was my first boyfriend ever, it was quite a long time.

And the best thing was, that nothing changed too much between Cal and I. We still hung out like friends, and still hung out with both the girls and the guys.

Besides Cal and I becoming a couple, the band finally started to take off. They now had a giant fanbase in Australia, plus a few scattered over the globe.

They were just offered a small tour gig, only around Australia though. It was on the weekends and it was 5 different locations. Of course they accepted, but that meant that they would need a name for their band. So during math, Luke, Mikey, and I all started to brain storm names. It's the middle of the school year right now, so we all wanted Summer to come. That is where we picked up the summer part of the name. The rest just kind of came from what we did in math that day. Mikey was doing the distance and time problems and luke was tallying up the seconds. The tallies forming groups of five, just like all tallies do. Then out of the middle of nowhere, Mike blurts out: 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER. He then started laughing because he meant to make a joke, but Luke and I just looked at eachother, almost reading each other's mind.

Luke then commented on the great idea, and I backed him up. And vwah-la we had a name.

Then the tours started coming. Thankfully my aunt let me go to all their tour gigs over the weekends.

It was an amazing experience that I never want to let go. It was amazing to see them on stage, having fun and doing what they love most.

I then realize that I skip some time between my entries again. This is when everything started to go downhill for Cal and I.

Seeing them perform is probably one of the best feelings in the world, knowing that they are doing what they love probably tops that feeling. Or at least that is what I'm trying to tell myself.

I've said this same exact quote to myself in the mirror every morning, ever since the boys announced that they are going on a 6 week tour in Europe.

I knew the day was coming, and I had hoped that I would have been able to go along with them, but sadly, if I want to graduate high school, I have to stay back and stay in school.

They leave in 2 weeks, and I know that I have to make these next two weeks count. The boys and I are spending pretty much every moment with each other, knowing that after these weeks it will be a month and a half until I get to see them again.

My next entry was 2 weeks later.

Today was the day. They are gone. The boys that included me when I first moved here, the ones that are my backbone, are gone.

At least I have the girls, but they are in a mess just like I am.

Lizzie is sobbing over Luke and Gabby is in somewhat of a withdrawal knowing that she didn't get a chance to tell Ash how she felt.

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