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*Gabby's POV*

I wake up around 9 o'clock pm from my nap that turned into more of a nights sleep in the middle of the day.

I find that Ren and Lizzie are both sleeping, but Ren isn't where she was when I conked out on her butterfly chair. She moved from her floor to her bed, which isn't that out of the ordinary, but the fact that she had her journal and her phone by her head and her pillow was stained black from tears full of mascara made me feel a little uneasy about the entire situation. She also has earbuds in that is connected to her baby blue ipod nano.

Music heals all. Music is there when words can't express your pain. Music is the ultimate best friend. This quote is one of my favorites, because it has so much truth in it.

I stalk over to Ren's bed, careful not to step on Lizzie in the process, and pick up her phone to see that it is blowing up from notifications from Calum, and quite a few from twitter as well. I enter her passcode, which she doesn't know that I know, and first check out her twitter, ignoring the countless texts still coming from Cal.

I look at her most recent tweet, and immediately figure out exactly why Cal is so urgent in trying to get a hold of her:

renhartman_16- - Are we wasting time talking on a broken line, telling you I haven't seen your face in ages? I'm sorry about what happened, but this is all my fault, please don't blame anybody else. Thanks guys xx

'It's all my fault'? Ren you are such a softy sometime! He is being a total asshole, and she can't even see that this is not her bad! I know she loves him and everything, but she needs to get her head out of her ass and realize that he is being nothing than a little shit to her.

"Gabby? What are you doing on Ren's phone?" I look up scared out of my shit, to see that Lizzie had woken up and is now looking at me. She really wants to let Ren figure this out on her own, which I totally understand, but things like what Calum did just can't go on anymore.

"If you woke up and found that she has 100's of notifications from both Calum and Twitter, would you check her phone. Because I don't know about you but I don't want our best friend hurting like this. I wish we could tell her that they are coming home sooner rather than later," I sighed knowing that we can't do that, we gave Cal our word, but I honestly don't know what to do anymore. Plus, Cal has done nothing but prove that he is good for Ren, but the only thing holding me back is the fact that Cal is her world, and when they were together 6 months ago, her and Cal were both as happy as they had ever been, and I would do anything to get that Ren back.

So for now, my promise is kept for Cal.

"I guess I would to," Lizzie said, snapping me out of my thought process. Lizzie sat down next to me and started looking over my shoulder to see what I was looking at. I was still on the Twitter screen looking at all the comments on her tweet.

There is a small percentage of people that are still jealous of Ren for dating Cal, so they are sending hate saying that it is her fault, and that Cal should break up with her. But then there is a majority of the comments that are saying to stay strong and that it's Calum's fault, and just some really positive messages. There was this one DM that was sent that really stood out to me:

maddie5scs- Ren, I just wanted to tell you that you are honestly the strongest, most caring person in the world:) I really look up to you and you are one of my biggest role models. What Cal did was dumb, I will even admit it, but he still loves you, Ren. He's lying if he says that he isn't, you two will get through this, I have full confidence in you two. You are meant to be and you will ALWAYS have my support. I love you so much and please stay strong, Ren:)

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