Chapter One

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I was on my way back to L'manberg after my midnight walk to clear my thoughts. I glance up from the forest floor, where I was previously looking to make sure I didn't trip, thinking I made it back to the gates from all the light I see.

"That- that is not the gates, shit" I mutter, noticing that there is smoke in the sky and that the light I see is not from the gates. I break into a run, trying to get to the gates so I can warn the others of the smoke. 'Please don't be around' I think to myself, seeing the gates loom over the trees up ahead.

"Shit, fuck, no" I whisper to myself, seeing three figures standing in a clearing, burnt leaves and trees surrounding them. I dart behind a tree, hoping I won't be seen and I can make my way back home after they leave. However, some leaves rustle as I walk over them, one of the figures' head snap towards the tree I am now hiding behind.

"Oh Dream~ I heard someone" The figure wearing a blue shirt- George- says, a smirk evident in his voice. The figure in the green hoodie, a white mask with a smiley face covering most of his face, turns towards where George is pointing.

"Come out, come out wherever you are~ I know you're here~" He coos, lightly swinging his sword that's in his hand. My heartbeat skips, my breathing falters. 'What do I do?' I think to myself, 'Do I go out there and face them or do I stay hidden or do I make a run for it?' I panic, scanning the area we're in.

"Don't keep him waiting!" Sapnap, the only one I personally know, sneers.

"Fucking hell, fine" I mutter, walking out from behind the tree, facing them. All three of their eyes widden, I guess they weren't expecting either someone to listen, or a girl.

"Look George you were right, there was so- OW" Sapnap exclaims, clutching his arm from where George suddenly punched him.

"Well, well, well. What's your name angel?" Dream asks, fixating his gaze onto me.

"Uh A-Ashline, sir" I stutter out, mentally face palming over how stupid I sound. Sapnap has been glaring at me the entire time, however, his glare softens once I say my name, Im assuming he remembers me.

"Well Ashline, go tell your leader" Dream outs his fingers into quotioning marks as he says leader, "that there better be white flags on your walls in the next 24 hours. Otherwise we are at war." he shouts.

"Got that Ash- I mean Ashline" Sapnap says, correcting himself quickly. 'Good' I think to myself, he lost his right to call me that.

"Yes" I mutter, glancing at the ground.

"Good, now go, get out of our sights." Dream orders, cooly. I quickly walk off, wanting to reach L'manberg to tell Wilbur the news.

This is barely edited so once I finish this writing the rough draft I may go through and change some things up! Also almost 500 words pog!

Hope you enjoyed! Now go take care of yourselves <3

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