Chapter Ten

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    I glance up in front of me, after what feels like hours of crying, and notice its dark outside and the window isn't fully secured, I guess I didn't fully scan the window when I first got here, I can slip through a section. I scan the room for anything or anyone, and I notice there's an oversized green hoodie on the bed but nothing else out of the ordinary. I tiptoe over to the bed and exchange my jacket for the hoodie, it falls to about mid-thigh and it smells like the forest, but not? I feel like I know this smell, but I can't quite place my finger on it. I make my way to the window, opening it just a little bit so I can slip through. My feet fall on the soft ground, almost slipping from some leaves. 

"Ahhh nononono don't fall" I whisper yell, as falling would give away the fact I'm outside, and I really don't want to be caught like this, that would not end well. I regain my balance and start walking for the woods directly in front of me, I know that there's a clearing a little way through, I use to go there all the time with Tubbo, Tommy, and Fundy, just to get away from responsibilities and the adults.

 I reach the clearing with only a few trips and stumbles, I walk towards the center of the clearing, where I have a backup sword hidden under the soil. I dig my fingers into the damp soil, the soil getting stuck uncomfortably underneath my nails, I grasp the hilt of my netherite enchanted sword, not maxed but still one of the best you can get, I have two better ones in my ender chest along with many backups. Sitting back up, I take a few test swings with my sword, having not used it in a while.

"Fuck yeah, time to practice for a bit" I whisper yell, getting into stance and swinging at a tree in front of me.

After my arms start hurting extremely bad, the tree morphs, looking vaguely like Sapnap.

"You shouldn't have gotten emotional over a fucking forest, Ashline! Couldn't you see I did this for you?! I love you so much, much more than your so-called mom can! She's gone, dead even, stop acting as she'll come back!!" He yells, his face confronting into anger, his hand movements becoming even more violent.

My vision blurs, I feel soil and dirt on my hands, my jeans soaking in the coldness and water.

"Ashline? Ashline!! There you are! Oh no. Are you okay? What happened? Are you crying?" A soft but worried voice exclaims.

"G-George? I'm fine- fine. Just a... flashback I guess." I explain, loosening my grip on my sword, bringing my hands up to wipe my eyes, my fingers coming back wet. Oh, I guess I was crying.

"Do you want to talk about it? I know sometimes that helps," He offers, his hand rubbing my back.

"Uh, sure? So uh back when I was younger, I lived with Eret in, what is now, L'manberg, Wilbur, and everyone else lived in other houses. Phil would come over every other day to check on us and make sure we were okay since we were kids with no supervision. And I was really good friends with Sapnap, Eret used to have to drag us away to eat dinner and go to bed. We would play with the farm animals and pets. The bees, the foxes, the cats, the puppies, the pigs, the sheep. We did everything together that we could," I explain, taking a deep breath in hopes to not start sobbing. George keeps rubbing his hand on my back, in hopes to calm me down.

"One- one day I caught him burning a forest, my favorite forest to be exact. Back before my parents went missing, we would always spend family time there. After they went missing, Phil would take us and his kids, plus Tubbo, there, in hopes that we wouldn't forget the place and memories, I guess? Well, Sapnap burned the whole forest to the ground. We- we argued and then he confessed his 'love' for me, saying he loved me more than my mom could ever. Telling me I should forget my mom and dad because they aren't letting me love him back," Tears start rolling down my cheeks, hitting my fingers which are resting on my knees.

"I ran home. I- I ran home and locked myself in my room. Sapnap never came back, he never...never tried to talk to me again. That is, until the other day."

"I'm so sorry Ash, can I call you that? I don't want to overstep." George asks, panicked as if he thought I would lash out at him for calling me that.

"I- it's fine, I trust you" I respond, looking up and smiling at him. Catching a flash of green behind George, in the woods. It's probably a leave falling or an animal.

"Thank you, Ash, I trust you too!" He responds, smiling, pushing up his clout glasses to the top of his head.

"What are you two doing? Why isn't Ashline in her room." 


I'm so sorry guys about my broken promise. I thought I would be able to update twice before the end of the year, however, writers block hit me really hard these past couple of weeks. I love you all <3
Please stay safe and enjoy the new year!!! <3

And vote if you enjoyed this chapter :)
also, fuck sapnap am I right? He shouldn't have done that smh.

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