Chapter Two: In Spite Of The Ache

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"Supergirl, eh? Wasn't expecting that," Harley said. "She's quite the looker."

Cat turned to Lena.

"I've always thought she was suspiciously cheerful. I'm sorry she broke your heart. Kitty knows it's difficult. 'Never trust a cape' is my new motto."

Lena noticed that Ivy was suspiciously silent. The plant-based siren looked at Harley and averted her gaze once more.

"Do you want to tell us what happened?" Crane asked.

Lena's head dropped, her shoulders slumped, and she stared down at her hands, milky white and shaking.

"I loved her more than life. I would have gladly given up breathing to see her smile." Lena stopped for a moment and her mind wandered back to that first day they met in her office. "I knew I loved her the day we met, but it took a long time for me to understand that my love transformed from simple friendship to something so much more intense. It all started out beautiful. When I moved to National City, I was terrified. My family doesn't exactly have a sterling reputation. I was sure that the people would force me out of the city like a pariah, but I found a friend, a soulmate."

Lena smiled sadly. A tear fell down her cheek. She hadn't even noticed until Cat handed her a tissue. Lena appreciated that she retracted her claws.

"She was so soft, so warm. She didn't know how amazing she was. I still remember that smile, that perfect smile was for me and me alone. The sound of her voice soothed me in a way I never imagined possible. Every part of me wanted to put up a wall, but she wouldn't allow it. She knocked down all my protections with her love. She enveloped me with her affection."

"It sounds like you two had a very special connection," Harley said, without a hint of humor or whimsy. She just nodded and gave her a sad smile.

"We did. Ours was a beautiful friendship. She saw the good in me. No matter how terrified I was that I was like my family, she stood by me, wrapped an arm around me, and refused to let me slip away."

"What happened? What brought on the change?" Crane asked.

"We were as close as two friends could be. In retrospect, I may have been more attached than she was. She is a superhero. When we were together, we only had eyes for each other. No one made me smile the way she did. She made my face hurt. I loved her with every breath, every step. My day started, and she was the first vision in my mind. Everything was great until it all fell apart around us. She welcomed me into her world, and I built my entire life around her. I had a business to run, new inventions to discover, and my crazy family to contend with, but my every thought was of her."

Lena looked around the room and noticed that everyone was leaning forward, their eyes focused on her.

"I'm sorry I'm monopolizing the time," she said, feeling exposed.

"You aren't monopolizing anything, Lena. Go ahead. Please continue," Ivy said with a genuine smile.

"We were happy. I was happy. Sure, we were only friends, but seeing her always improved my day. We looked for any excuse to get together and have lunch or grab coffee. She was everything to me and then one day, everything imploded, and I lost my mind."

"What happened?" Harley asked.

"I found out she had been keeping a secret from me. Not just a secret, but the biggest secret of her life. The worst part was that everyone in her life knew except for me."

"Jeez, that's rough kid. You were her best friend," Harley said, wrapping her hair around her finger and blowing another bubble with her gum.

"As you can probably imagine, it upset me. At first, it crushed me. I couldn't believe I was the last person to know. I didn't even find out from her. My scumbag brother told me. It devastated me. The problem I have when I get sad is that I don't like feeling like a victim, so I get angry. I had never been angry with her before. We had our squabbles here and there, but she was my heart. I couldn't be angry at her, or so I thought. Every hour that ticked by fueled my rage and indignation. Every time I saw her, and she didn't say a word, I felt the fury boiling over. Finally, I snapped. I don't mean a little. I mean a full-on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Arkham Asylum crazy. All I wanted to do was hurt her for betraying me. I felt like I never knew her. How could I if I never knew her secret?"

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