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Lira's POV: August has been in the ice room for five hours now and to be honest I was feeling kind of bad. I shouldn't have been so hard on him.

But he shouldn't have came at me like that. I don't like being controlled and when he said we wasn't going to take the chemical again. A switch went off in me and I reacted badly.

I was laying down in my bed and I couldn't help but to go down there and get him out.

I know he's freezing because that room is danm near below zero.

After fighting with myself, I decided to go down there. I walked down the flights of stairs and finally arrived at the door.

I hesitated but I still walked in.

When I walked in he was laying down shivering. Normally I'd be happy to see someone like this but right now I felt bad.

"Get up, August." I commanded

"Leave me the fuck alone a-and gg-get out" he mumbled.

"Let's go August."

I stepped a little closer to him but I didn't wanna get to close anything could happen.

"I-I'm not gg-goin no where wi-with you." He turned to his side and I could see where I had stabbed him starting to get infected.

"Baby, I don't wanna hurt you... just let me help you."

"GET OUT!" He yelled

I still didn't move I wasn't going to leave here without him.

"I'm not leaving without you, so get up August."

I heard him chuckle which turned into a cough.

I walked over to him, picked him up, wrapped his arm behind my neck and walked him out.

He could barley walk and he was still shivering. I took him into my room and sat him on my bed.

I walked into the bathroom and ran him some hot water. I came back with a cloth so I could clean his wound.

I took his shirt off which was covered in blood and threw it away.

I placed the cloth on his wound and watched as he frowned from discomfort.

"Hold that there." I told him I walked to the back of my room and grabbed a med kit.

"Take these pills I don't want you to feel this."

I gave him some numbing pills but I kinda doubted that they would work.

I was about to stitch him back up.

"You ready?" I said getting the things I needed to do what I was about to do.

"Just get this shit over with." He said watching my every move.

I proceeded to sew him up and I heard him growl in pain.

"Hold on I'm almost done." I said applying the last stitch.

"Go sit in the tub...I'll be there in a minute to wash you up."

He got up and slowly walked to the bathroom.

A few moments later I heard him yell my name.


I stopped what I was doing and went towards him.

"What's the problem?"

"I can't take my pants off... can you help me." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry what was that." I said smiling

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