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August's POV: Yesterday was one hell of a day. After Lira shot Donavon he barely spoke to me or her. One of Lira's personal doctors treated him and now the nigga on crutches.

I told Lira to allow him to stay with us for a while but of course she was being hard headed and refused too ask him. Which lead to us getting into an argument. Eventually she gave up and asked him.

To my surprise he said no but he's coming over later though.

I woke up this morning and Lira wasn't beside me. At first I was confused but I remember her telling me that she had to go do a rundown and she'd be out all day.

So I showered, continued with my normal hygiene routine and headed downstairs to go make breakfast. As I was walking by I stopped and looked at the room Lira told me not to go in.

I stared at it for a few moments wondering what was behind there. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard my phone go off indicating that someone had messaged me.

Lira😍: I see you nigga. Go eat😂
August 😈😘: Lmao, imma find out what you hidin shordy. But I'd rather eat you instead😏
Lira😍: Bet🥰 I'll be home around 7

I shook my head and went to go make breakfast.

As I was eating breakfast I heard the doorbell ring. I looked through the peephole and it was Donavon.

Opening the door, we dapped each other up.

"Wassgood my nigga." I said letting him in.

"My leg sure ain't. I should sue her ass let alone kill her." He said limping to the couch. I knew his ass wasn't goin stay on no crutches.

It kind of angered me when he said he would kill Lira. I don't know why but it did. Who the fuck he think he is saying he goin kill what's mine. I should shoot his ass just for saying that.

Not letting my anger get the best of me, I held my words and offered him something to eat.

"You hungry bro?"

"Nah, Megan cooked for me this morning." I looked at him over my shoulder like he was crazy.

"Megan? She forgave your dumbass already?" I said shaking my head.

"Hell yeah, all I had to do was say sorry, give her ass sum head and it was like nothing ever happened."

I shook my head and sat with him at the couch continuing to eat my breakfast.

I whipped up some eggs, sausage and pancakes for myself. I was gonna leave Lira some but I know she ate before she left.

Just as I was about to say something Donavon got a call from someone.

"Aye I'll be back imma go take this." He said getting up walking towards the back.

Donovan's POV: I had gotten a call from my boss in Italy. I actually work for Lira Galore that was until I met Ramendo. He's offering me money to work for him undercover so he can find out information on Lira Galore.

I've been working for him for a couple months now but it's hard as hell to find information about Lira. She low as fuck, nobody's ever even seen the girl before.

Every month I'm supposed to call and report to him with details and information. Lately I've been trying to avoid him, but I won't be able too for much longer because he's one of the biggest drug lords in Italy and I know he'll kill my ass if I don't tell him something sooner or later.

On the finally ring I finally picked up the phone.


"Donavon! I've been trying to get in touch with you for days now. Don't tell me your trying to avoid me."

If only he knew.

"Oh nah I've been busy doing what you asked." I said lying

"So what do you have for me?"

I knew I had to quickly come up with a lie so I did just that.

"Word around the block is that she lives here in Atlanta. So I came down myself to see if it was true. Turns out my brother's girlfriend is her sister."

I know I just fucked up really badly and if August finds out he's goin kill me too.

"I'll tell you what... in six months I will be holding a ball party and rumor is that Lira herself will be attending. Bring her sister to me and I'll take it from there."

"What's in it for me." I questioned itching my beard

"The blood and power of Lira Galore will be in your hands my friend."

This is exactly why I took his offer. He knows how to handle business. With me being in Lira Galore's spot I'll have every mothafucka in this country under my control.

"It's a deal." I hung up the phone and walked back to August.

"Who was that?" He questioned

"Oh umm... it was Megan she just wanted to know what I was doing."

He stared at me as if he were trying to read me. Before saying "ok"

"So where's Melody?" I asked

"She went to go see her aunt." He said

Something deep down in me was telling me he was lying but I'll find out sooner or later.

"Yung, why isn't she dead?"

As soon as I asked that his facial expression changed

"Because she's a thug and we work for the same person D and that's code. You don't kill your own kind." He took one more bite of his food and got up to through it away.

I limped right behind him still wanting more answers.

"That don't mean shit August and you know it. Who the fuck is she?" I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

We looked in each other's eyes and I could tell he was getting angry with me. I forgot this nigga has anger issues.

"Look all I know is that she's related to Lira Galore. Therefore we are not to touch or harm her in anyway." I looked at him long and hard.

I could tell he wasn't lying which just made my plan even better.

"One day I got message from this number and I'm guessing it was Lira Galore."

"What it say?" I questioned

"I know you have Melody if you kill her everything you own and love will be taken from you. You are not too harm her in anyway. Protect her and work with her for there will be a war against all gang members soon. Your boss."

I looked at him in complete shock. "Lemme see the text." I reached for his phone but he pulled it back

"Come on now nigga don't be stupid. You think Lira Galore goin text me and leave it there. That shit deleted itself right afta I read it." He sighed

"What the fuck she mean war between all gangs." I said rubbing my beard.

"Man I don't know but if she said it. It's gotta be true."

"Danm" was all I could say.

"Ight nigga we got plenty of time to worry bout that. But right now let's jus roll up and play the game real quick."

We walked out back and sat on the balcony. Smoking a blunt.

After that we went inside and played 2k.

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