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Me and sam were nodding our heads to I still believe. I haven't been to a concert for a while but I like it a lot. It was good and hey it's the 80s,cherish it. Me and sam was messing around with eachother and slapping eachother when he turned to mess with Michael's face,poking it, but michael seemed not to care. Sam pointed torwards Michael making a weird face. I just shrugged. Sam moved Michael's head torward the screen, then he slapped Sam's hand. I laughed over the loud music. I was bobbing to the music when sam and michael was gone. I looked around the crowd to see michael pulling sam. I scoffed, they just left me...assholes I thought. I quickly ran after em to see Michael not taking his eye off this girl. "Come on michael,give me a break he? I'm at the mercy of your sex glands bud" he scoffed and turned around to learn in close on Sam's face. "Dont ya have something better to do than follow me around all night?" Michael askd annoyed. Sam looked around trying to spot something to do then stopped "yeah,actually I do" my arm was then yanked put of my socket as sam pulled me along to where ever the hell we were going. He let go of me when we got in to what seems to be a comic book store. "Hmm, my lil bros got good taste" I thought to myself. I started looking around the shop when I spotted a dirty blonde starring at me, me and sam made a weird face at each other. I looked down at a harley Quinn and joker comic, when someone slapped me on the shoulder I looked up to see sam looking ahead of him,when I saw what he was looking at, it was a brunette staring directly back at us. "This is weird" I whispered to sam. "Justact like nothings happening" he whispered back. And then thay started to follow us so I gave up on Sam's advise and turned heel to face em.  "Got a problem guys" sam rolled his eyes. "Just scoping ur cavillian wardrobe" he said lookin me up and down. "Pretty cool huh" sam budged in. "Yeah for a fashion victem"  I said sarcastically. Sam made a face at me. Which got a chuckle from bandanna dude. " why of u looking for the duet frozen yogurt bar, it went out last summer" edgar said. I made a disgusted face. "No actually I'm looking for batman number 14." Sam answered still looking around. "Thays a very serious book man" edgar said as he starred at me. "Yeah well I think ur a little out of order here bud, like u can't put superman number 20. Next to something or other ( idk what he said ok) edgar gave me a look of WTF. I just shrugged and went back to reading."Whatch ya name" I asked sweetly. He looked me up and down again. "I'm edgar,this is my brother alan" he said in a rough and raspy but attractive voice. "I'm maggie" I smirked. He gave me a comic out of his back pocket and handed it to me. "Here take this" I took it out of his hand. "Vampire comic" I asked.  I made a weird face at him then back at the comic. "Y-y-you believe in vampires?" I questioned. He grunted. I made a entertained look. Edgar rolled his eyes and slapped the comic onto sams chest as he walked by. Sam looked at the comic and quickly shoved it back Into to Edgar's hands and said I dont like horror comics.  "You'll like this one mr pheonix," sam looked at the comic again,"hey,wait come back here" alan yelled as he walked out of the shop.  Me and sam were leaving the shop when I stopped in the door way and gave edgar a sexy smirk. "See ya around"  I smirked at my antics. edgar looked down and chuckled a lil as he looked back up at me with a smirk on his face and he waved me goodbye.

( sorry if this is really bad, I tried my best I honestly love that movie and decided I just had to do it!!!)

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