My Brothers A Godamn Vampire

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I was just minding my own business drawing edgar frog

I leaned on my bed frame a looked on down on my work and smirked

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I leaned on my bed frame a looked on down on my work and smirked. I shook my head thinking about how sad I'm gonna be when I know for certain that he doesn't like me. I then thought about it a lil, I mean I guess he could like me,like how he smirked at me the other day,and how he brushed my shoulder today,and how he leaned in close, I looked down at my work and smirked, "this isnt bad"
"Maggie,maggie grab the comic book now" sam yelled as he locked the doors and windows. I looked confused. "Sam what's going on" "michael he's a blood sucker" "what, how do u know for sure" I screamed. His reflection was gone maggs, just call it he screamed. I picked up the comic and started to dial the number, on the 2and ring a rough and raspy voice  picked up "hello?" "Edgar, edgar my brothers hes a godamn blood sucker I yelled"  "u did good for calling us" has he been sleeping all day, long finger nails, bad breath" uuum, he has been wearing sunglasses in the house,his fingernails are a bit longer, he's always had bad breath tho" I answered. "Ok, well what u need to do is take a nice long steak, and drive it through his heart" "I can't do that u big dillhole he's my brother" I screamed. "Fine then well do it" he said all calm. "No" I screamed. Well get yourself a garlic t-shirt babe, or its your funeral" then the line clicked. I smirked at the thought that he called me babe. Another reason for him liking me I smirked. Sam made a disgusted face at edgar calling me babe. I smirked at him. "Sammy,sammy let me in" michael screamed from out the window" "aaah, no,no wayur a bloodsuckers Mike no" sam please,please sammy let me in. Michael begged. Sam looked at me in pitty then went over to the window to unlock it. Michael jumped in and immediately hugged me and Sam "we gotta stick together okay, gotta stick together guys" we all nodded in agreement.

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