ok actually WTF!!!

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I woke up put on myoutfit yaddiyaddiyada

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I woke up put on myoutfit yaddiyaddiyada. U know normal stuff. I went down stairs to find sam in the kitchen. "Oh hey maggie I was waiting for u come on" sam said. "Uuuum where are we going? " I asked. "Comic book shop come on" he said as he grabbed my hand and practically yanked me out the door.

Me and sam made it to the comic book shop him with his goofy smile as usual. I spotted the boys. Alan tappededgars arm not taking his eye off me. Edgar turned to alan then what he was looking and and immediately looked at me. Idk y, but he did. I shrugged it off and picked up that joker x harley comic book I was looking at yesterday. I felt a tap on my shoulder and nodded his head inferring me to look at the frog brothers. They came close to us as we went in the other direction. "Notice anything unusual about santa carla yet?" Alan said in his deep voice. "No actually I think it's a pretty cool place" sam said in response acting like he totally diddent care about this shit. "If your a Martian" I added. "Or a vampire" edgar said. I rolled my eyes. "U really think u knew what's going on here dont ya, well let me tell you something, u dont know shit buddy" I nodded like I diddent care. "Yeah u think we work here for our folks huh" alan added. "Actually I thought it was a bakery."I said sarcastically edgar leaned close on my face, like really close. "We fight for a purpose, for truth,justice,and the American way" was sweating,my heart was beating timidly and it felt like I was getting shocked in my fingertips and toes. "Alright" I answered trying to keep my cool. As he backed away I felt my face really warm and red. OH MY GOD!!! Do I have a crush on a FROG????? No,he's weird and believes in vampires and and... his eyes are a dreamy brown, and his facial expressions are really cute, and his voice puts a shiver down my spine and I have always wanted to date a guy that's like this, a badass and not just a jock. Maybe-maybe I do like him. But he absolutely does not like me back, that's a fact I know. Idk. Edgar then slapped the same comicon to sams chest again. "Here, read this" sam quickly pushed it away again. "I told you I dont like horror comics" our numbers on the back,pray, and u never need to call us" alan said. I'll pray, and I'll never need to call ya, sure" sam said acting like he still diddent buy it" edgar and rolled their eyes, edgar brushing my shoulder as he walked by. I sighed and smirked a lil as I blushed. Even his touch gives me shivers I blushed.

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