chapter four.

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the first week out of the remaining eight,
which leaves to seven more. artists and
painters alike were told to save their biggest,
most boldest artworks for the ball—a review
will happen in the week five, that meant, everyone has more than enough time to make this year's arts are to be experienced and adored by countless of fans who appreciate the time and effort to make said art.

as always, female artists were separated from the men, joslyn took this time to figure out what she wanted to make. it was new to her that this year has no ideal theme ahead of time—it was custom to be given a theme and they were to stick to that said theme. but this year felt like a shift, in a sense.

all the while joslyn looked for inspiration, alice was outside of everything she was doing. a struggling work of art she was, but it didn't stop her from attempting to flourish in a better circumstance, she needed something to do—but what was it?

a/n; something's up 👀

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