Chapter 1: Not Alone

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You flutter your eyes open.

Where am I? You wonder. You slowly get up from a bed you were laying on. You look around, you're in a metal room.

I don't even remember laying down and going to sleep. Honestly, I barely remember who I am.

You search your memories for your name, any recollection of what happened before you were unconscious, and where the hell you are. Nothing.

You slowly slide your feet off the edge of the bed and gently place your feet on the cold floor. You rise to your feet and your knees wobble. You curse under your breath.

Shit. What the hell happened to me? You stumble into a door and open it to reveal the bathroom. You look into the mirror and realize your hair is straight, and looks like it was just combed.

If I actually did sleep, I know my hair would be a ragged mess right now. Something is wrong.

You strip off your clothes and step into the shower, letting the hot water hit the top of your back. You gasp at the slight pain you feel in your lower back as the water trickles down your body. You reach your hand to your side to try to reach the middle of your lower back, to feel what is causing you such discomfort, but it's no use.

You sit on the floor in the shower and let the water hit the top of your head and slide down your body. You cradle your legs, searching your memory, but it just comes up blank.

After about thirty minutes in the shower, you open the bathroom door and see that it is now fully dark in the room where you awoke, and you cannot see a thing. You're only in a towel, and you don't even know where fresh clothes is.

You step into the the dark room, but no lights come on. You put out one of your hands, as the other clasps your towel, to make sure you don't run into something in the dark. You find the bed you awoke on and sit down in your towel. You close your eyes and let your mind think of solutions of what to do.

This is very odd. I wake up and I don't know who I am or where I am. I'm alone in a room, and I cannot see.

"You're not alone," a deep, electronic voice speaks from across the dark room.

You gasp and clutch your towel tighter to your body. "Who are you?" You ask. Your hands start to shake out of fear.

"Don't be afraid," the voice says. You hear rustling, like whatever it is, is starting to come closer to you. "And you can see now."

Instantly the lights turn on again, and you see a tall figure, dressed in all black, with a helmet on his face, standing four feet in front of you.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in here? Where even is here?" You look down, hesitant to look the stranger in the face.

"Stop!" He grits. Slowly you find your chin being lifted up to look him in the face, a powerful strength that you cannot fight. "You are not allowed to question me." He drops his hands, and the power that had lifted your chin is gone.

"I deserve answers! I literally wake up in a room, not knowing where I am! Especially who I am!" You scream, frustrated.

The man raises his hand back up to you instantly and you begin to rise from the bed, and into the air.

What is happening to me? Am I going to die? What did I do so wrong?

He keeps you suspended in the air. "I'm not going to kill you," he sighs. "You're on my ship. You're a guest."

"You still haven't answered a lot of my questions!" You struggle against the power he is using to keep you immobilized. You strain against them.

"You're very strong for not knowing what is happening," he says. "Your name is Venus, and I'm taking you in to learn the ways of The Force."

Venus? The name doesn't bring back any memories. The Force? What is The Force?

"My name is Kylo. Kylo Ren. You'll soon learn about The Force. But for now, all you need to know is that you need to obey my every command, you are my apprentice now."

"But I don't know anything about that," you admit. Kylo releases his hands and slowly levitates you back on the bed.

"Stay in your room," he orders. "Fresh clothes are there." He points to the corner of the room by the bathroom. "I'll be back soon to make sure you are still... here." He walks to the far end of the room and swipes the door. The door hisses open and clicks once it is shut again.

Kylo Ren? I have never heard of him before. Why do I have to stay in my room if I am a guest? This whole situation doesn't make sense!

You walk over to where Kylo had pointed to where clothes would be, and you put on an outfit. There was nothing of any color in the pile of clothes, only mixtures of black, grey, and light grey, pants and shirts.

Looks like I don't have many options of what to wear.

You wander to the exit that Kylo had used. You swipe your hand across it like he did, to see if it opens. It doesn't open.

You try again, really thinking to yourself to open the door. You swipe your hand again in front of the door, while commanding it to open, and it clicks then hisses open. You're shocked. You step out and see a long corridor in both directions.

You see people in white suits and helmets, marching in opposite directions down the corridors. You decide to keep one hand on the wall and walk to your right, away from marching people, or whatever they are.

You walk for what seems like an hour, and come across three different corridors.

What corridor should I take?

"Hey! You there!" You turn around, startled, and see a white figure point to you from behind. You start to sprint down the corridor to the left, nobody is down this corridor.

You are running as fast as you can as you are being chased by that white uniform person. Then suddenly you are frozen mid-stride.

What is happening?

You hear the running of feet stop and say, "Master of the Knights of Ren." Your thoughts go to Kylo's order, 'Stay in your room.'

You hear footsteps clanking behind you, coming closer. Then Kylo Ren, walks into your vision. "I thought I ordered you to stay in your room!" He screams. "How did you even get out?" He instantly raises his hand to your forehead.

"What are you doing?" You groan, struggling to talk.

"Huh, you don't even know how you got out of your room yourself. How unfortunate!" He crosses his arms. "Well, since you disobeyed my command, you are going to meet the Supreme Leader."

You drop to your knees and inhale deep breaths. "Who?" You question.

"You will only speak when spoken to! Do you understand!" He shouts, mere inches away from your face. "You will show respect not only to me, but to the Supreme Leader." He grabs you by the arm and yanks you up. He keeps his grasp on your arm firm, so you can't slip out of his reach and start to run off.

He leads you to an elevator and pushes you inside. He hits the top button and the elevator starts to move.

"Supreme Leader Snoke is our ruler," Kylo says, breaking the silence.

"Who is he?" You ask.

"He is the Supreme Leader of the First Order. He is my Master. He has shown me the ways of the Dark Side of The Force."

You stay quiet. Your palms start to twitch with anxiety. The elevator doors open and your stomach drops. In front of you are another set of doors, intimidating. Kylo pushes you out in front, and you start to walk. The doors automatically open and you are suddenly in a large room.

At the end of the room is a throne with a figure on it, The Supreme Leader you assume. You walk to the middle of the room and stop. You can still hear Kylo Ren walking behind you.

"Master of the Knights of Ren! Is this the one?" A voice calls out.

You look behind you and see Kylo kneel. "Yes Supreme Leader."

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