Chapter 4: The Darkness

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You awake and reach to the side of the bed that Kylo was sitting next to you. The spot is empty and cold. You sit up in bed and run your fingers through your hair.

Did he leave as soon as I fell asleep? Did he stay?

Thoughts come in and out of your brain for several minutes.

I was apart of the Dark Side? I don't feel it as much anymore.

If anything the Dark Side frightened me when I was feeling The Force around me.

You get a knock on your metal door, then it hisses open. A storm trooper, as you seen in your nightmare and as Kylo had mentioned, enters your room. He salutes. He hands you a glass tablet.

"This is for you from The Master of the Knights of Ren," the stormtrooper announces and then he leaves.

The tablet reads, "We will not be training until both of your wounds are fully healed, however long it will take. Do not question my judgement."

What? Until both of my wounds fully heal?! That could take weeks! Especially my torso wound that is constantly bleeding.

You throw the glass tablet across the room. It hits the wall and shatters. "Ridiculous!" You yell.

You do not understand why you are so angry, but you are. It is like Kylo doesn't want to see you anymore because of everything that was said the other night. You take a couple deep breaths and the anger passes.

You lay back down on your bed for hours, you get several visits from the infirmary, insisting that you take medicine to help the pain, but you refuse. You refuse everything, the medicine, the food, the other glass tablets being sent to your room. You just lay and sit on your bed, the hours passing, feeling numb.

Three days go by without eating, three days go by without taking any medicine, and three days go by without seeing Kylo Ren.

You're laying in your bed with your eyes closed when you hear your door hiss open.

"I'm not hungry," you spit. "And I'm not taking any pain medication either so leave."

You don't even bother to open your eyes. When you don't hear an answer you sit up and look toward the door. You see Kylo standing there in his helmet and usual black attire, you slump back down into your bed and close your eyes.

"What do you want?" You ask with attitude.

"Haven't you been reading the glass tablets I have been sending to your room?!" He yells through his mask.

"No," you say, as you point behind him where all the glass tablets are shattered against the floor.

You hear a hiss, which is the sound of Kylo taking of his helmet. "Why are you being like this!" He screams.

"Being like what?" You ask calmly.

"Why are you being so- so- difficult!" He ignites his light saber and starts slicing the furniture that remains in your room. You sit up in your bed.

"Kylo stop!" You scream. You raise your hand and push him against the wall. You get up and walk towards his body struggling on the wall. "What are you doing here!? You kind of made it clear that you don't want to train me! You're avoiding me! I'm not stupid!" You start to lift him up the wall, choking him.

I'm the one that's being difficult? I'm difficult because I won't do as I'm told?!

He strains against your power. You feel so angry, so enraged, that it is making you strong. You can feel the darkness in your eyes.

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