Chapter 8: Impressed

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You wake up in the morning with Ben still asleep beside you. Your eyes wander over his face.

He looks so peaceful, I shouldn't wake him. I don't think he gets good sleep very often.

You kiss him gently on the cheek as you slowly crawl out of bed. You bring the covers up to his chest to tuck him back into the bed. He stirs for a moment, but then relaxes instantly.

You tip toe to the side of your room for a fresh pair of clothes, you throw them on. You unlock your chambers door and walk out, re-locking the door behind you. You make your way to the training room to start your daily routine.

You start with stretches and then meditation. You start to practice swings and jabs with the practice bow staff. You then start to practice using the Force on objects to strengthen your ability. Ben walks in the room as you are levitating the metal table with all the practice devices on it.

"Morning," he says under his mask. He reaches to take the mask off but you stop him. You put your hand on the side of his mask where his cheek would be.

"It's okay you don't have to take it off," you assure, smiling at him. He takes your hand off his mask and puts it on his chest. "Good morning Ben," you whisper. You know he is smiling under the mask.

"I have something planned for you sometime soon."

"What is it?" You question.

"A training exercise. There are some storm troopers who volunteered to help with your training. You are going to be pretending you are breaking into the ship and they are shooting at you," he answers.

"But I don't have a lightsaber."

Why don't I have a light saber yet? Am I even ready for one?

"I know," he replies. "I have one for you. It's similar to mine, except yours can turn into a double sided saber, kind of like the bow staff you have been practicing with."

You gasp. "Really!" You exclaim. He nods and then begins to take out a black metal box he was hiding under his robe.

You open it and he points to some buttons on the hilt.

"This is the button that makes it turn into a double sided light saber, and this one is just the single blade." You touch your fingers all over the hilt, it's cool to the touch.

"Thank you Be— Kylo!!" You exclaim. You ignite your lightsaber and crimson red emerges.

This is amazing.

You deactivate it and attach it to your hip.


A couple weeks go by and you still continue to train with Ben with your lightsaber. You finish training one day and Ben walks up to you.

"Come, we must be going. I believe you are ready," he states, and I start to follow him out of the training room. He leads you to an even bigger room but looks to have obstacles and props in it, to obviously further your skill in the Force and lightsaber skills. "I will be watching from there," he points up the wall and you see an opening. "Good luck." You nod.

You detach your lightsaber from your hip and hold it.

Don't panic, just feel the Force around you.

You start to make your way through the obstacles nothing happens then you hear one of the troopers yell, "There! I spotted her! Fire!" You ignite your saber and start to go off of instinct as several shots go into your direction, you deflect and block their shots, angling your saber so some blasts hit the troopers.

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