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You don't need to be afraid anymore

A blunt chuckle left my lips at his comment. Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality .

A weary sigh leaves my mouth as I tried to catch his words . Surely he 'helps' people suffering like me but I don't feel like giving myself up on him.

His words playing in my head almost like how a sound buzzes in your mind even if you don't want it to. Uneasiness is what I felt right now.

I could see the city lights behind the dense fog as a smile lighted up my face . He cut through the fog finally to the streets of Daegu . The night almost came to an end , He dropped me to the nearest bus stand as he even offered to drop me home which I declined . Stranger danger? well of course not cause I even told my biggest fear to this stranger.

" Where's your home"

Still he was in the driving seat asking for another ride . It's pretty logical no bus would come at this time , I shook my head right to left as I preferred the walking route.

He pulled the gear off and left to get swallowed in the dark . I watched as the distance made the vehicle shrink in size. Before turning around a random thought clicked my mind.

He took my car!!

Before I could sprint forward to catch him he already left. No traces of where he'd headed. Well yet another sigh of defeat.

I gave up upon catching him and started heading my ways, in the middle of the streetlights being as silent as I could hear the flapping of insects . I took a moment to feel the sound of my heart pounding .


The door creaked open as I peeked to the inside . Everything is calm and cool , Pushing my body in I saw him sitting at the couch as I froze on my spot.

" I knew you would come back sooner or later " I catched the glimpse of worry in his eyes which he was hiding from the confidence he wore. What was I supposed to do ; hug him , explain him and tell him about my car being stolen by a handsome lunatic dude whom I told my fear.

" Where were you this late in the night ". He flipped the question as he looked pissed by the fact I wasn't answering him . It were minutes I'd been standing at the same spot looking down hearing to him spitting fire.

" I asked you something ". He yelled , I opened my mouth to spill out some words which I knew he wouldn't be fond of .

" Yeah um.... I lost my way.. then I met a stranger in the woods and he perhaps helped me to get home ".

I tried being as clear as possible holding back my stutters but ended up sounding fake . He knew I ran through the damn club ruled by drunk people throwing themselves to the bass music . That too I was alone by myself and trusted a stranger.

" I'm all okay JIn you should've slept ".

My tries to cut the topic were nothing in front of him yes an arrogant bitch seeking answers.

" Because of you I didn't sleep ". He yelled once again I did nothing then throwing my bag beside him.

" Listen Jin I'm not that little girl anymore ".

He let out a sigh being the root of this fight.

" Look , you know it's not good for you to roam around at nights ".

I pouted as he pouted back making me automatically roll my eyes

" Fine fine " . I let it out frustrated.

Heading towards my room I decided to read manga , yeah me being a manga enthusiast.

Loosing interest doesn't take much time as I found myself closing it . I skittered my gaze to the leather jacket hanging down the stand . My feets down to the marble floor . Checking the pockets a card came to my grip. Pulling it out I read the information written.

Kim Taehyung

This was the name written except the given information about the number , email and a great description in a foreign language. I could only remember his name written in hangul ( Korian )

Would look like a crazy stalker calling at this time , basically like some dick calling wrong numbers in the middle of night. I simply placed the card in the drawer of my dresser going out to kitchen for a glass of water . To my extent the lights were off , the wide shouldered man curled inside the blanket.

---8 am---

It was 8 am in the morning . Jin was there in the kitchen as a apron was wrapped around his figure cooking breakfast . I slowly took my steps towards him as I stood behind that man , tugging my hands to his waist I hugged him resting my head at the corner of his neck hoping to be forgiven about last night .

" Good morning y/n " . He didn't hug back as he had a hold of a knife . Removing my chin from his shoulders and breaking the hug I wished him back stretching my hands out yawning.

" What's for breakfast ? " I asked I finally closed my mouth.

" Sandwich " he responded

" Shall I help you " . I asked him rubbing my palms together thinking that I'm getting treated nicely this morning .

" Oh yeah first cut these onions."

He really got nothing else for me to do. Washing my hands to the sink I started peeling the pink skin off , placing the round substance to the wooden board I made a cut between further chopping it into slices as he asked. Minor tears were forming in the corner of my eyes which dropped to the platform.

" What happened "

I shook my head at his comment uttering a small 'nothing' under my breath.

Cooking sucks.

My view became cloudy as I headed to the sink to get the nasty odour off my hands.


Taehyung's POV

I parked the car in front of the institution , walking in the porch I was greeted by jungkook who looked as though heading outside , car keys wrapped around his fingers , he immediately stopped , his expressions looked as though he was caught off guard.

Jimin's shadow visible forming in the opposite corridor. They were all in the same floor , I called out for Hoseok to my surprise he stood behind the staircase

" Anyone saw Yoongi?"

Looking at each other all the three men the room including me had a same response 'no'

All saw everyone minding their own businesses as Hoseok had headed upstairs , Jimin was in taking care and jungkook was out .

The keys were in my pocket as a thought of returning her car rushed .

Next thing to do tomorrow is to return her car yet another long day.

Roses are red violets are blue
Dear Y/N
I'm coming for you

Nyctophobia : fear of dark [ REWRITING ] Where stories live. Discover now