The Land of Spring

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Naruto knocked on the door, then all hell went loose. One moment, he was calmly knocking on a door, the next, Deidara had summoned 1000 clay bombs and he was being pulled away from the cabin by a VERY large snake that had somehow grabbed him in mere seconds.

"Naruto..?" A sweet voice called, Naruto quickly summoned a 1000 shadow clones that grabbed all of Deidara's clays and threw them to the sky, making them blow up rightaway as they hit an invisible barrier. For a moment, snow could be seen through the sky, but it soon turned sunny once more. He quickly used a substitution jutsu to get out of the snake's grasp and landed right in front of the woman that had appeared at the door.

"Koyuki!" He said and gave her a true smile, the beautiful black haired woman with blue eyes turned to him and ran to embrace him in a hug.

"You little brat! I heard you ran away from home and was wondering when you would come to visit me! How have you been?" She asked excitedly, fully ignored the huge snake summon and the dumbfounded blond in some kind of white bird that were right in front of her house.

"Ah well you see..." He started but stopped halfway. "Actually, let me deal with those two idiots first." He said and turned to glare at his companions.

"Seriously, why can't I have normal family members for once?" He said annoyed and jumped on top of Manda's head.

"This," he said, pointing at the snake, "has to go, now." He hissed. Then he jumped to his brother's clay bird and simply tackled Deidara off the bird, making him land face down into the ground, making the bird poof out of existence.

He turned to look at Nora, glad that the huge purple snake was gone, and was amused to see the kunoichi annoyed. Apparently Snow had fallen in love with Koyuki, but still seemed to hate Nora for some unknown reason. He plain out laughed, making Deidara's painful comments and Nora's pouting remarks end rightaway. It was the first time their Naruto had been this easy going in a while, it almost seemed as if he was back in Konoha village alongside his siblings... Almost...

"You have found a great companion." Koyuki said as she petted the white fox, he gave her a foxy grin and looked at his pet approvingly.

"I know right! He decided to follow me when I found him as a small kit with my Jiji when we were traveling..." He trailed off and a melancholic look appeared on his face. The fox left Koyuki to lick Naruto's hand, bringing him back to the present.

"I know Snow, I know." He whispered softly. Nora narrowed her eyes at the interaction. She knew the fox was not a threat to Naruto, but she felt annoyed that everyone seemed to understand her little brother in law except her.

Koyuki smiled and opened the door to her house, the fox quickly slipped in and made it his home rightaway as he laid in the couch in front of the chimney. Naruto and Koyuki started talking rightaway and Nora sighed in defeat. She was about to follow them in alongside Deidara when the door closed right in their face.

"WHAT THE HELL! LET US IN!!!" Immediately, Nora was back on Manda's head and Deidara was spamming the house with bomb clays as Manda tried to bring the house down with direct attacks and even acid attacks. It was all useless, the house was surrounded by a very powerful wind jutsu and neither she nor Deidara owned the Lighting element to counterattack it.

"Damn it!" She said pissed off as she finally let go of her summon. She went to sit besides Deidara, who was now lying down on the soft grass due to chakra exhaustion.

"Idiot." She murmured, but it had no fire behind it. She knew that the blonde was reliable despite being part of the Akatsuki, and they had both lost hold of Naruto right in front of their eyes. The situation was ridiculous, but there was nothing more to do than to wait.

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