♡ chapter 1: daily morning ♡

23 1 6

yuri = bold 

natsuki = bold, tilted

sayori: underlined, tilted

monika = tilted

you(fem. reader) = normal


beep beep beep, your alarm clock goes off as you hit it with your feminine hand, "another day", you thought as you pulled your sheets off of your body and grabbed your uniform, heading to the shower as you did so

after you got had a shower to refresh yourself you get dressed and go out to the kitchen, making  a pb & j sandwich, grabbing your jacket and heading out the door to the place we all know, 

s c h o o l

you waited for sayori, she is your best friend after all. in total you waited around 7 minutes and 47 seconds for sayori to show up with her bright smile throwing you away from your thoughts. "hello y/n! sorry im late, again" sayori sighed "i really tried to be on time this time!" you sighed as you heard that comment "its ok sayori" you ruffled your fellow friends' hair "lets get going" you said as you started walking to the school, your short brunette friend tagging slowly behind, finally.. you made it. u cant wait to get this day over with.

♡end of chapter 1♡

words: 201 

A day in a life || a ddlc storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora