The end is just the beginning

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Beep, beep, beeeppp. I can hear someone let out an agonizing sound as a heart rate monitor goes off... My heart rate monitor.

That's right, I Jade West, had finally committed suicide.

I stood in the bathroom with a handful of pills . I looked in the mirror as if seeing myself for the very first time, and in a way, I was. It was one of those moments where you reflect upon life, and all its pain and sorrow. I gulped down the pills making sure my letter was safely secure, the last thing I felt was strong arms wrapping around me and salty tears falling onto my face.

The next thing I knew I was rising up, up, through the hospital ceiling, through the clouds outside, and, though, I don't remember falling asleep I woke up on a white chair, in white room that seemed to go on forever. With only one other chair across from me with a little girl sitting in it. "Oh. Hello" she said lifting her head, and I gasped. It was me! Well me eight years ago.

Now, you'll never feel how strange the world is until you literally talk to yourself and they actually answer.

"Um, where am I?" I ask "I mean I know I'm dead it's just, is this what heaven looks like?" she laughed, I remembered when I used to laugh like that. Before I shattered.

"Daddy stop!" I giggled, my dad was tickling me for spilling cherry ice cream on his suit. "No you little rascal, you" he said in a funny voice. My mom suppressing a smile comes over to us " Your both rascals! Now come on! We have to get going" she said, finally letting out her laugh as I 'hmphed' while my dad carried me on his shoulder followed by my mom still laughing .

"Your right, you're not in heaven. This is Lypso." (Pronunciation: lip-so)

"Oh. Cause that clears it up!"

"Consider it a sort of limbo" she said. I looked at her quizzically.

"A warp?," she said, still trying to explain it.

"A world between worlds" she said finally. "An infinite blank space between the world of the living and the land of the spirits." 

"So this is the world of what exactly? You are...? And what am I doing here?" I asked. Honestly confused. 

"Good question. Well this can be qualified as The Realm of Ghosts. But that's a stupid name and hardly anyone comes here anyway, so it's generally just called Lypso."

 "Great." I say unceremoniously "So who are because you look like me. At least old me?."

"I am old you. You see when someone changes, morally, the old soul comes to our world. The bigger the change is the stronger the soul is. Many souls come and go with age, as your body gets older so does your mind, and those childhood fantasies come here as old souls. Many if not all the souls here are like that, they are weak wispy souls that take the form of memories, and are called back to the living world. Others, however, when an abnormal change occurs can manifest into something, normally the original form they had before coming here. I am one of them, I am their ruler".     

The next chapter will be longer. I hope you enjoyed this. :| 

Tell me if I should change the cover, I was unsure about it. 

Btw if you read this pleeeaaassse comment something. 

It helps me keep writing.  

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