Light, Dark, and Grey

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Recap: "I am one of them. I am their leader"

"So why are YOU their leader." I interrupt. "You know,no offence"

"Um, offence taken." she retorts "Just think about your life and your thoughts when you were me"

"I was happy, I felt safe, even loved" I say, really just speaking my thoughts aloud.

"Yeah and then yo-"

"Became cold, ruthless, and angry" I say, cutting her off again.

"Well sort of, but summing it up an abnormal change occurred. You, we, went from a happy little girl to someone with a death wish on themselves."

"Okay, well thank you for the explanation, but it doesn't clear up what I"m doing here."

"When you, uh," she ran her finger across her neck. "You warped the balance of life and time, for your life was not meant to end yet. This happens whenever a suicide occurs, but no one has ever had a past self powerful enough to send them back to the living world"

"Send me BACK?!" I exclaim. More out of pure bewilderment that it was possible to bring someone back to life, then rage.

"Well not back to life yet" she says, I stare at her. "You tend to speak your thoughts aloud" she replies to my unspoken question.

"Oh" I blush wondering what else I may have said "So not back to life"

"No" she says. "You will go down to the world of the living-"

"But-" I say

"You have no choice!" she snaps. "You will go down as a ghost, and no one will see, hear, or feel you. If you want to come back to life, and once again you have no choice, you must get someone to, first hear you, then see you, and finally feel you. In the end you will be just how you were alive to this person and then you will be brought back to life. It does not have to happen in this order but it's the simplest."

"Well who am I supposed to go to. And how in shit am I supposed to get them to see me!" I shout.

She looks coldly at me and states through gritted teeth "You will go down to earth, you will find someone, AND YOU WILL F'ING BE BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE" she screams finally snapping.


"What?" she responds looking shocked at my sudden willingness to agree.

"I needed proof that you were actually me, and now I have it" I say calmly.

"Wow. Okay. Great, thanks, I guess" she says, almost sounding embarrassed. She then composes herself "Splendid".

"Okay. When do I go?" I ask

"Very soon" she answers "I will help you along the way best I can. Goodluck."

"What-Ahhhhh" I shrieked as I fell through the floor, I looked up to see her waving. Then when I blinked again I was standing on the pavement. In the real world.

Once again sorry for the short chapters, I will really try to make them longer.  Please comment and I just found out what voting is so do that to. 

                                                                                                                                    Till next time 


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