The First Note

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Oh my god this is weird 😅 (writing on my phone). I think the title of this chapter spoils a lot. And OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod over a hundred reads! Thank you guys so much, honestly I had much lower expectations for this book, but, just, oh my god thank you!

Recap: Maybe, just maybe I could do something good.

I quickly scurried to the other side of the RV, wanting to get in, it was locked obviously. I kept banging on the door but of course he couldn't hear me. "Try to relax" a voice in my head said. I immediately knew it was old Jade and by then I had learned that she knew what she was talking about. So I took a deep breath and pushed through the door.

I was not expecting for it to work and I fell flat on the floor. "So even though I can walk through doors I can fall on the floor and feel pain!" I mumbled. I then heard a sob and remembered why I had walked through the stupid door in the first place.

I quickly got up and sat down next to Beck. I hugged him as well as I could and thought how I could make him feel better. I knew comforting him was no use as he couldn't see, hear, or feel me, but there had to be something.

I looked around the RV and saw sitting neatly next to a box was a small pile of little origami butterflies made out of black paper with some ornate flower and vines cut in the wings. I had left on to him every time I needed to tell him I was okay because I didn't want him to see me upset.

I hadn't thought he kept them. In fact I thought they'd be the first ones to go after we broke up but here they were neatly piled above the wreckage on the ground. It hurt, it really hurt seeing how much he cared but I knew that I couldn't give up again and besides I had all eternity to make myself feel better but there was only one Beck. I had an idea. 

Sorry if this is really bad it's like three in the morning when I'm writing this (great time to be writing about ghosts huh). Once again thank you SO much for the 122 reads. Please vote and comment or whatever and tell me any ideas you guys have to celebrate ONE HUNDRED! Lol I'm thinking of doing a Seddie book after this what do y'all think? xxx 

                                                                                                                                           Till next time


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