chapter eight

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I groaned when I felt the ground below me trembled. Wait what?

I quickly opened my eyes and scanned my surroundings, but couldn't see anything. Wherever I was had no source of lighting. I felt something wrapped around each of my ankles. Slightly lifting my foot, my suspicions were correct — I was chained again as well as starving.

My heart immediately sped up when I heard a voice. "Hello?"

A few soft voices responded to my call, but only one uttered more than a word. "Where are we?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. I could heard faint sounds through the metal walls but I didn't know how we were moving.

Another voice spoke, "I only saw four men when before they drugged me. I think we can take them down if we work together."

Four?! I saw three when I was drugged. Before I could disagree with her, someone else did. "That's a bad idea. We don't even know where they're taking us. They probably have more men waiting for us there." She sighed, chains moved and the trembling of the container we were in began to diminish.

Suddenly, we came to a stop and my body fell sideways. I groaned and mumbled a few curses at whoever was transporting us.

Once I sat up, a bright light came from beside me as large doors opened. I squinted my eyes and looked away, deeper into the shipping container they had transported us in. There were about twenty of us.

I heard a voice from outside the container. "They're awake!" The echo of heavy footsteps entering the container was followed by the sound of our chains as they set us free and ordered us to stand.

We lined up and stepped down the ramp they attached to the truck. I kept my head looking forward but my eyes scanned our surroundings. We were heading into a warehouse. Over thirty men surrounded it, all armed with some kind of weapon. When we entered, only seven men stood inside. Two of them wore black suits while the rest wore casual black clothing.

There were empty tables scattered all over the room. Immediately, I began to wonder what it was that they did here.

We lined up at the front of the room and faced the formally dressed men as they approached us. "I like this batch better than the previous." Stated the older one of the two. Both had similar facial features including their black hair and dark green eyes, only that the older man's hair was peppered with a few white strands. I assumed they were related, most likely father and son. "What do you think, Louis?" He turned to the younger man beside him.

He simply nodded at the men who brought us inside. He didn't move and instead shifted his gaze at the other end of the line and spoke, "whorehouse."

I stared at him in shock.

The older man rubbed his bearded chin as he grinned. A couple of the girls were dragged out of the warehouse as they cried and struggled to free themselves. From afar I could hear one of the men yell followed by what sounded like his hand hitting one of the women. "Try that again and hitting you will be the least of what you'll get."

Shivers ran down my spine as Louis continued to speak. "Main house... Whorehouse..." My body wanted to spill whatever I had left in my stomach. I took deep breaths and dug my nails into my palms, shifting my focus onto the pain.

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