Family Zone

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Shu's POV

Shu woke up to someone shaking him on the back. His eyes blinked open as he looked up at the blurry figure above him. After Shu's sight adjusted a bit he finally was able to make out the figure as Valt.

Still slightly in a daze Shu pulled Valt down on top of him and held him tight like he was somewhat of a stuffed animal.

Valt yelped in surprise as he was pulled down and turned beet red. He looked up at Shu, voice muffled, "U-um Shu could you please let go I-l woke you up because i-its breakfast time."

Shu blinked a few times staring down dumbly at Valt, grip still tight around him before realization finally struck him. His face turned a little red as he mumbled an apology and let Valt go.

Ugh that was not regal at all!

Valt moved uncomfortably a bit on one foot before looking up at Shu, "W-we're having eggs and bacon s-so when you're ready c-come down the dining room." And as quickly as he came Valt left.

Shu sighed to himself really hating how he had just acted. He's just been on edge after the whole ordeal. But after all the hospitality Valt has shown him he thinks he's ready to come out to them.

Shu moved off the couch and walked the way Valt had just disappeared to. It wasn't hard to find the kitchen since this bakery was so small compared to his big castle back home.

While he walked to the kitchen Shu noticed a small stuffed creature on a high shelf that looked a lot like an ogre. He stopped and examined the toy before carefully picking it up.

When Shu looked down at the toy he was suddenly struck with a memory.



"Hey Shu bet you can't catch me I'm too fast for ya!" A young little boy said.

Little Shu panted, very tired as he tried to catch up with the boy. He was so fast that it was unfair. "Stop! You know I'm small and bad at running!" Shu gasped out.

The boy chuckled at Shu before pulling something out of his leather pouch and throwing it at Shu.

Shu halted to a stop, but not quick enough before falling to the ground.

"Woah Shu you really need to watch your landings", The boy said while helping up a tearful Shu.

The boy looked down at Shu before giving him a fond smile and picking up what he threw at him.

"Here, it's your best friend, Spryzen here to playyy." The boy waved the toy around Shu's face until Shu gently took the toy from him and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks Red Eye", Shu said while hugging the toy close to him and wiping his eyes.

"Anytime little cousin", Red Eye said before picking Shu up and carrying him back to the Castle.


Shu shook his head, the memory making him sigh sadly. He placed the toy back on the high shelf before walking to the kitchen.

Once Shu waltzed in the kitchen he had to stop himself from drooling because Wow! It smelled amazing in here. Shu glanced at the table seeing where the delicious cuisine was being held.

It was some bacon that looked perfectly glazed in what smelled like honey. There were also some scrambled eggs that looked perfectly seasoned and cooked. And on the far right of the round table there were some pancakes that were shaped as cute cats.

The Prince and the Bakerboy [Shu x Valt Story]Where stories live. Discover now