Valt is a Matchmaker

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Valt POV

"It's ok Rantaro." Valt reasured. Yeah no it was not ok. They were running low on food and it was now the end of the world! But that was from Rantaro, if you ask Valt them running low on food was the best thing ever to happen!

Well not the best thing ever of course they still needed food to survive out here, but now they can bond more together by going hunting for food! Now Valt wasn't too keen on hurting animals which is why he decided Zac, Xander,Shu could do all the meat getting. Silas didn't want to go hunting because he decided taking a nap would be far more intresting.

He told Daigo, Ken, and Cuza to go out to try and find some veggies while he, Wakiya and Rantaro go get berries/fish.

They all gathered in a small circle near the middle of there camp area. They all decided to split up then come back here later once they've gathered enough food.

Shu cleared his throat before speaking up, "Ok now that everyone has assigned buddies we can split up and head out."

Cuza pumped his fist, a big smile on his face, "Yes! This is going to be so much fun I bet I'm gonna get the most food at of all of you!"

Xander and Zac looked at eachother before smirking. 

"Oh so this is a competition now? Well we'll see who can get the most food out of everyone else in under 2 hours." Xander commented still smirking.

Shu rolled his eyes, "Guys this isn't something we need to compete on lets just get the-," But before he could finish anything else, everyone had already zoomed away with their groups to get thier food items.

Shu just sighed while rubbing his nose before following where Xander and Zac went.


Valt, Wakiya, and Rantaro had found a nice small pond with some berry bushes next to it and started to gather food. Rantaro claimed he could fish since he was in boy scouts when he was younger and knew how to make a fishing rod with what nature gave him.

Valt happily agreed to go berry pick with Wakiya and grabbed his arm to drag to drag him over to the berry bushes.

Both him and Wakiya went on their kness and used the baskets they made with some twigs and leaves and got too work. After about 20 minutes of some small talk and berry picking Valt started to notice something coming from Wakiya.

He would keep on glancing behind himself, so Valt followed his gaze and was met with Rantaros back. Finally getting it now Valt gave Wakiya a knowing look.

When Wakiya looked back at him he gave him a confused look. "What is it?"

"Ohh nothing it's just that you keep glancing back at Rantaro every once in a while and you know, silly old me just got curious." Valt said innocently.

Wakiyas blush was one for the books as he threw some leaves at a hysterical Valt, screaming in denial. He honestly looked so conflicted with his feelings that it made Valt laugh more inwardly that out.

"Okay okay I'll stop, but seriously when are you going to tell the Alpha you like him?" Valt asked.

Wakyia grunted shifting his knees towards his chest and lowering his head on his legs. "Heh, yeah thats never going to happen, don't ya see Valt, Rantaro...he-he hates me". Wakiya looked like he was about to cry. Valt wanted to hug him, so he did.

"No! Rantaro doesn't hate you, you guys just fight.......a lot." Valt cooed. He didn't want Wakiya to cry, he just wanted to break the dam of obvious tension between the Beta and Alpha that was so strongly there.

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