Authors Note ;)

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I can't believe I forgot to do this earlier but I'm gonna do it now since I'm assuming some people are a little confused. So I forgot to add a prolouge at the beginnig of this story for basic information T-T *Facepalms*. So to clear things up I'm gonna add it now. I aged everyone up to make it more comfortable to write.

Here's some things you should now about the story (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ



17 years old

Works as a bakerboy for his mother and lives with both his Twin brother and Sister.




18 years old

Is the heir to the kingdom Raging Bulls (I do kingdoms based of off teams in the actual show)




17 years old

Valts childhood bestfriend and may or may not have a huge crush on a certain green haired alpha.




17 years old

Loves the treats they make at the bakery and likes to help out once in a while, also has a crush on someone but its pretty obvious.




17 years old

Is pretty quiet but likes to express himself more around his close friends, he also likes to help out in the bakery too.




17 years old

Is mute but that didn't stop Valt from becoming friends with him. Him and Valt are really close now.




18 years old

Hates interacting and usually likes to isolate himself from other people. Is very protective of Cuza and literally won't let anyone he doesn't know too well near him.




19 years old

May seem big and scary but is actually a very nice guy. He is very protective of his friends and doesn't like when bad htings happen to them.




18 years old

Is very confident in himself but not to the point where he's cocky and arrogant. Is very good at singing and wants to become a singer one day.


And many more! And don't worry I'm going to try and get the next chapter in later today, I just felt stupid for not adding this before. Until next time baiiii! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

The Prince and the Bakerboy [Shu x Valt Story]Where stories live. Discover now