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Sometimes our life is partially just a day and night, a sunrise that blooms when day is yet to come, and the sunset that delight to ignite the end of the day. it was the beauty that you wanted to stare at, the appealing sight that kept your mind calm, the breath-taking view that you wanted to drown off. It's just amazing, I was smiling at the thought. At Least there's still a way to keep everyone at ease, an assurance, that there's always a way to smile for, to be thankful no matter how ironic the life is. As for me your life situation mattered to how you deal with it, and how you set your mind.

I was in deep thought, when I felt a muscular arm, wrapped around my waist. I smiled when I felt his intense feeling of deep affection adding his unstoppable heart beat.  I giggle when I sense the Electricity coming from our closeness signaling that he was with me, that I'm not alone.

"You okay? He asked. while i was here closing my eyes, cherishing the warmth and heat he provided. My most favorite dearest little moment of us, because with him I'm safe, at least with him I can take a risk, surely he's the one whom i wanted to keep for, to hold on, and to fight for.

I just answer with a "umm" afraid to Interrupt our so called little moment, i just wanted to keep this a little longer, thankfully he knows me, he knows every action i does. Wherefore, he tighten his grip enough to make me comfortable, i tightened my grip too on his arm equally what he does pressing my back to his chest just to feel his heart beat it just like the music i wanted to hear for the rest of a day, the music of our heart that I won't get tired to listen. While he pressed more of our  approximate closeness that we have right now. My knees trembled as I felt the tip of his nose touch mine, down to my jaw inhaling my scent that brought shivered to my body, he always made me feel this way, I don't know but I love the way he makes me weak to the core.

I wasn't like these to anyone just for him, him alone, my everything. Barry.

I loosen my hold just to face him, he suddenly startled probably thinking that i don't like it nor i felt out of respect. Worried and apologized, I saw with his deep dark brown eyes. I smile sweetly not signaling to stop but to continue. He then becomes more relaxed and chuckles at the thought.

"You're testing my patience huh" he muttered while caressing my check his deep dimples flashes again as he smiles. I blush.

for peter's sake how on Earth i resist this Greek goddess in front of me. Showing off his complete seat of teeth. How the hell he. to be this Handsome!

I just suppressed my smile to hide my show off silliness because right now I felt like a teenager who had to win attention with his ultimate crush. It's killing me! Just before I got drowned with his intense stare, I then. Place my hand to his chest and sign before sluggishly speaking. While he continued to caress me, encircling his thumb to the side of my lips adding the dangerous fire we have right now.

"Sorry." I said. Between a sob, my heart heavily up and down as I tried to suppress my cry out loud. I don't wanna leave like this, it's hurt. It's killing me. But I don't have a choice, this is the only better way.

To be continued.

In Time With You (NADECH YAYA)Where stories live. Discover now