The Big Apple

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Vale city.

It's The Capital of the Kingdom of Vale.

Although it's not much of a kingdom anymore since the royal family died off 100 years ago.

It's also the place where we find our protagonist visiting for the first time after a week long training montage at beacon.

"So you sure there aren't any bandits here?" Neta asked Amber as they walked to the mall to buy new clothes. After three months of living on the range you need some new clothes.

"Neta, What's your deal with bandits? No, we won't find any bandits anywhere here. We might find some White Fang or muggers but no bandits." Amber told Neta.

Neta, the handsome genius that he is decided to ignore her and keep his eyes open in case of criminal activity, especially bandits.

"By the way, You said that when you finish enrolling to beacon you get some armor? what was it called again? Stalwart?" Amber asked.

"It's called Stalhrim and it looks like frozen viking armor. You do have vikings here right?" Neta said.

"Yeah, it's what we call the people who lived in ancient Solitas. Have horns on their helmets and travel on long boats right?"

"Yeah those are the ones"

After buying 4,000 Lien worth of clothes for himself They decided to head back.

On their way they passed by a small park where they saw kids playing Huntsmen and Grimm.

The day was nice. he wouldn't call it a date but he had fun with Amber.

After going back to beacon the long way they parted ways and entered their guest rooms where they were staying until they pass Initiation because lets be real here. They both will pass with flying colors.

---??? POV---

It's been a week.

This place sucks, They keep asking questions expecting a different answer.

"No, I don't know where Salem Lives, Cinder Never showed us. And Why would she? I was only with them for a month before you caught me. Even that was mostly against my will." I said to the Interrogator in front of me.

"May You explain then why you worked with miss Fall then?" The guard asked me.

"She Gave me legs, Not in the Metaphysical way of giving me a reason to live but she literally gave me my prosthetics. If she didn't find me after I killed my father I would be Grimm shit by now. She told me I would pay her back by helping her kill this girl, and Amber Autumn so she can get the 'Power that is rightfully hers' fuckin' bitch. I hope she's dead. She had this whole plan to destroy beacon and bring Grimm into the city so she could become Salem's favorite henchmen. i don't know this Amber girl or why she wanted to kill her for something so stupid, but it was either helping her or she kills me."

"So, say you would be given a chance to atone for your crimes, Would you take it?" the guard asked.

"If I can live my life in a wheelchair without legs if i could get out of this dump." I said.

"Very well then, bring him in." The guard spoke to someone behind the door.

soon after the door opened and in walked this grey haired anime villain looking dude.

Who the hell wears green anymore?

And he asked me the question that I didn't expect.

"Mercury Black, Would you like to join my academy?" Ozpin asked me.

---Neta POV---

"Relax Neta, The other initiates won't be here till tomorrow." Amber spoke with her head on my shoulder.

"But what if I'm not ready? What if we are put on different teams? What if bandits hijack the initiation?" More and more question zoomed out of my mouth.

"You trained for a whole week for this exact moment. You'll be fine."

"But I haven't even leveled up once in that whole time. I need to defeat enemied to get EXP not train my body. The Gamer doesn't work like that. While yes my bow and knife proficiency went up by alot and my skill's also gained levels. I myself did not." I tried to explain my predicament. Four months are nothing against people who trained half of their lives.

"Remember that assassin you fought?" Amber asked.

"... Yeah?..."

"You defeated her in , like, four arrows before she even got close to me. She was probably trained most of her life and you stopped her before she even got close." Amber explained, Talking back to our fight with Cinder and her goons.

"Yeah... There were more than four arrows but you're right. I can  do it! I'll become the coolest Gamer ever!" That sounds like a ten year olds dream.

But hey, at least it's not world domination.

Name: Neta Peleg

Level: 41

Age: 17

HP: 6,750

MP: 1,250

SP: 1,750

STR: 80

VIT: 70

DEX: 180

INT: 50

WIS: 40

CHR: 30

LCK: 35

So initiation is coming up. will Neta, Amber and Mercury pass with flying colors? Will Neta become the very best like no one ever was? Will Amber finally get to live her life the way she wants it and will Mercury be less of a dick in the future? Find out in the next episode of TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!

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