R Trailer

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Brigitte Robin was excited. She could finally show her brothers that she can also become a huntress, and become a hero, just like the knight in shining armor from her stories.

She was so excited she failed to notice bumping into a street lamp.

Oof, Not even on the bullhead to beacon yet and already her luck is showing.

She Stands up and slips on a Banana peel she was sure wasn't there previously.

"Oooh no! I'm embarrassing myself in front of my future classmates! I won't have any friend! ooh what will uncle Wilhelm say? something along the lines of, 'Back in my day, Thorin and I always embarrassed each other. Your luck is just the way that life shows you its just messing with you, like a pal! Now where did your father put the ale?' I think I digressed back at the end there but yeah! Life is my pal! If I don't have any friend here I'll still have my good ol' pal, Life!"

As Brigitte was mumbling to herself in an effect to cheer her up she didn't notice an Orange haired girl walk up to her dragging her black haired close friend.

But not close-close.

"Hey there! Are you okay? You just hit the lamp and and then slipped on a banana, is there gonna' be a pie thrown at your face next? Oh oh! Can i eat the pie? unless it's cheese pie, that's bad for my stomach

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"Hey there! Are you okay? You just hit the lamp and and then slipped on a banana, is there gonna' be a pie thrown at your face next? Oh oh! Can i eat the pie? unless it's cheese pie, that's bad for my stomach. By the Way I'm Nora and this my friend Ren, Are you also going to beacon? I mean it would be weird if you wore that armor and had that flail and didn't go to beacon but just to be sure you are going I'm asking again.
Are you going to beacon?"

"Uhhh..." Brigitte didn't know how to answer the girl. She looked like her late uncle Thorin and reminded her of aunt Freya but Brigitte couldn't handle all this crazy right now.

She went inside the Bullhead and Fell asleep.

She needs all her energy for what her good pal Life is going to throw at her during initiation tomorrow.

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