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"Is he waking up, yet?"

"The shank was out the longest, who knows."

"I don't. That's for sure."

"Of course you don't."

"Look, I'm not the expert here."

"Shush, look. He's waking up."

"Is he, though?"

Everything was blurred, he couldn't see much. There were hushed voices around him.

"Somebody go get Agent McCall."

"Will do."

He heard footsteps so he figured they left. He groans slightly.

"Oh my God, he's actually waking up."


"This will be such a shock to him."

"Why wouldn't it be a shock to him? He literally thought we—"

"Ughhh—" He croaked out, his vision cleared and there was someone hovering above him, he instantly freaks out and punches.

"OW! THOMAS!" Thomas' vision cleared completely and saw Minho clutching his bleeding nose.

"OH MY GOD! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOU! Hold up. YOU'RE DEAD! YOU'RE ALL DEAD, WAIT I'M DEAD AS WELL, AREN'T I? IS THIS HEAVEN?! OR IS THIS HELL?!" Thomas yells as he stands up, ripping every wire out of his arms. He knows he shouldn't do that, but he's freaking out, leave him be.

"We're not dead, Thomas," Minho says while he rolls his eyes.

"Are you sure?" Thomas asks in an unsure voice, he creeps a bit closer to Minho and pokes his face in different places. Minho doesn't seem to like it— "stop that or I'll bite your finger off." Immediately Thomas stops poking the Asian boy.

"No, no and have I mentioned no? Don't go with the bright yellow, doesn't look as good with your eyes. Go for blue or purple. That'll look amazing, 'Resa," a familiar British voice spoke. Everyone scooted away to reveal the two talking.

"But the yellow is pretty!" He knew that feminine voice too.

"It's just not your colour! I'm sorry!" They held cups of what Thomas assumes is coffee, the male is stirring something into the cup. They both have yet to acknowledge Thomas.

The girl sighs, "do you think there's gonna be something different today? Maybe he'll have a good day now."

"Not likely."

Minho clears his throat, the two look at him, he nods in Thomas' direction, who has tears in his eyes. His eyes also held disbelief and confusion. Confusion not only for seeing them alive, but also that he's feeling something different.

Happiness. He hasn't been happy in such a long tim- wait. Somethings wrong.


"You're awake!"

"No shit Teresa!" Minho says back with a laugh.

Everyone took a step towards him, probably for a hug but Thomas scoots back. He hits the wall, he looks around in panic— this is just a dream. Just a dream. Don't get your hopes up. Don't do it. Don't. DON'T!

He pinches himself, trying to snap out of it. He starts to hit himself, every second they hits are harder. He can feel bruises begin to form, he closes his eyes. He hits his head, wanting to get rid of the foolish hope.

Then his hitting comes to a halt, someone grabbed his wrists. No. No. No. no. No. NO. No touching, please, no touching.

"Tommy, please don't hurt your beautiful self."

"P-please, n-no to-touching, p-plea-please."

He sounded weak, he knows that. Does he care? No.

"Tommy, we won't hu-"


"I'm not-"




"Thomas, you're not dead and you're not asleep. It was another simulation-"

"How do I know that for sure?!" Thomas yelled back.

"Because no-one died. No-one."

"THOMAS!" He turned his head to see Chuck run towards him, but getting stopped by Teresa. She shakes her head.

"None of this is real, stop getting your hopes up," he whispers to himself.

"Stiles, you're awake."


You all didn't think I was done torturing you all, did you? 😈

The angst has just begun

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